Manually Commit a Local Update


  1. Review Best Practices for File Replication.

  2. You must have an initialized repository (see Initialize a Repository).

  3. You must have a registered repository (see Register an Initialized Repository).

  4. You must have a repository checked out to your local file system (see Checkout a Repository).

Do the following to manually commit your local file system changes to your S3 repository.

For example:

Note: To perform this action, the owner of the file system directory must be a registered user (see Register an Initialized Repository).

  1. Log in to the FlexSync Dashboard.

  2. In the left navigation, click the File System Browser icon.

    The File System Browser page appears.

  3. On the File System Browser page, do the following:

    1. Select your file system, hostgroup, host, and repository.

    2. Navigate to the directory or sub-directory that contains the changes you want to commit to your S3 repository.

    3. Click the Commit this folder icon.

      The Commit <name of folder> dialog appears.

  4. Do the following in the Commit <name of folder> dialog:

    1. Enter the path to your root folder in the Path to Root Folder field.

    2. In the User Name field, enter the name of the user.

    3. In the Comment field, enter a comment that describes the purpose of the commit.

    Note: By default, the Full Scan option is disabled.

  5. Click Apply.