Checkout a Repository


  1. Review Best Practices for File Replication.

  2. You must have an initialized repository (see Initialize a Repository).

  3. You must have a registered repository (see Register an Initialized Repository).

You can perform a checkout process to download part or all of the contents of an existing repository. The contents are used to create a working directory that you can update, change, and commit.

Do the following to download the content of a repository to your local system.

Note: To perform this action, the owner of the file system directory must be a registered user (see Register an Initialized Repository).

  1. Log in to the FlexSync Dashboard.

  2. In the left navigation, click the File System Browser icon.

    The File System Browser page appears.

  3. On the File System Browser page, do the following:

    1. Select your file system, hostgroup, host, and repository.

    2. You can checkout the contents of a repository to a directory that appears on the file browser page, or click a directory to display its sub-directories.

    3. Click the Checkout to this folder icon.

      Note: To checkout to the root folder of the file system, click the Checkout to root folder icon.

      The Checkout to <name of folder> folder dialog appears.

  4. In the Checkout to <name of folder> folder dialog, enter the path to your root folder in the Path to Root Folder field.

    Note: If you want to checkout to an already existing directory, click Force Checkout and then specify the conflict resolution in the Conflict Resolution Mode field.

  5. Click Apply. If successful, Checkout completed successfully appears on the page.

Revert a Checkout of a Repository

If you accidentally checkout a repository to a directory on your local workstation, then you can use the flexsyncadmin checkout <directory> --undo CLI command to revert the checkout. This option only deletes the FlexSync workspace information in the directory where you performed the checkout.

Caution: Before you perform this operation, you must not have an automated object task associated with the directory (see Delete a Task).

Note: You can only perform this process using the FlexSync CLI flexsyncadmin checkout <directory> --undo command. For complete details, see the FlexSync Man Pages Reference Guide.