On Tuesday, September 1, 2015, Chris Santilli (a senior technical director for StorNext software, and product manager for StorNext Connect) delivered training on how to deploy StorNext Connect on all supported StorNext systems (Pro Solutions, M440, and M660). Attendees included members of Professional Services, Pre-Sales, Service, and some partners.
Note: For more details, please take the StorNext Connect Deployment for Quantum Service Partners (2-4570 Online Self-Paced) course on StorageCare Learning.
Key points addressed in the presentation are summarized in the sections below.
Download a copy of the PowerPoint presentation used during the training here.
Download a copy of the Q&A from this training presentation here.
- Our goal is to deploy StorNext Connect on 100% of the Quantum Appliance Install Base (IB).
- Beginning September 2015, StorNext Connect is available (by default) to all StorNext Appliances in the IB.
Requesting StorNext Connect
- Requests for StorNext Connect can be initiated by e-mail (StorNextConnectRequest@quantum.com) or by using the online request form available from the Quantum website and StorNext.com. If the hardware has already been installed, this will result in scheduling a StorNext Connect deployment on the existing hardware. Requests for information on StorNext Appliances, StorNext Connect, and any other product will be a sales lead.
- The request process is also used to obtain a StorNext Connect authorization code, which is required (along with the StorNext system serial number) to register the customer's StorNext Appliance on the StorNext Connect website (https://stornextconnect.quantum.com)
StorNext Connect Requirements
- The installer (customer, partner, Sales Engineering, Technical Account Manager, or Professional Services) must ensure that the customer's site and equipment meet the requirements outlined in the StorNext Connect Compatibility Guide and the "StorNext Connect Prerequisites" section of the StorNext Connect Professional Services Install Guide (Note: This is a service-facing document only available from the Manuals section of the StorNext Connect page on CSWeb (CSWeb > StorNext Connect > Manuals).
- If a request is made for an appliance/enviornment that does not meet the Compatibility Guide requirements, the request should be processed via eXpress.
Deploying StorNext Connect
- The workflow for deploying StorNext Connect using the StorNext Pro Install application is outlined in the StorNext Connect At a Glance, which is available on the StorNext Connect page of CSWeb (CSWeb > StorNext Connect > Resources). A video demonstration of this process is available from the Resources section of the StorNext Connect page on CSWeb.
- Instructions for deploying StorNext Connect on operational StorNext Appliances are provided in the StorNext Connect Professional Services Install Guide. This and other important StorNext Connect documentation is avaiable in the Manuals section of the StorNext Connect page on CSWeb (CSWeb > StorNext Connect > Manuals).
Additional StorNext Connect Resources
- StorNext Connect demos hosted in SuperNAP can be scheduled through an SE.
- Product videos about StorNext Connect are available at the following locations:
- Product video on Demos On Demand > Quantum. Once on the Quantum page of the site, look for the presentation titled "StorNext Connect Software."
- Product video ("StorNext Connect: Why is it needed in my data center? What can it do for me?") on the QuantumKnowHow YouTube channel.
- Feedback on StorNext Connect can be sent to StorNextConnectFeedback@quantum.com.