Impact: NFS-HA and Stopping cvfs
The following applies to Xcellis Workflow Director (Gen2/R630) and Artico (R630) systems.

- NAS 1.3.0 or 1.4.0 is installed on Xcellis Workflow Director systems.
- NAS failover for NFS clusters (NFS-HA) is enabled.
- NAS services were not stopped on the NAS Master node before StorNext services (cvfs) were stopped (for instance, to initiate a system failover).
- Your system is running StorNext or earlier.

- The system can keep NAS services active that will prevent the StorNext file system from unmounting NAS shares.
- This could cause the primary server to perform a hard system stop, initiating a failover.
NAS non-Master node unmounts might hang.
- Client access to NAS shares are prevented.

- To Stop NAS Failover for NFS Clusters (NFS-HA) before you stop StorNext services (cvfs) click here.
- To restart NAS Failover for NFS Clusters (NFS-HA) after you restart StorNext services (cvfs) click here.