Vision 4.1


Quantum Vision 4.1 has been superceded by Vision 4.2 and 4.3. If you are supporting a Vision 4.1 installation that cannot be updated to the current version, the software development team provided an overivew of the Vision 4.1 at its release. Use the links below for the WebEx recorded presentation and the accompanying PPT slide deck.


Quantum Vision 4.1 Software Walkthrough

The Vision 4.1 software development team presented a walkthrough of the Vision 4.1 features in September 2011. 


NOTE: The recording below requires the WebEx Player Link will open in new window..


 Quantum Vision 4.1 Walkthrough and Demo

This session provides information about features in the 4.1 release of Vision. 



Title Last Updated Updated By
Vision 4.1 Walthrough PPT
This is the slide deck that accompanies the Vision 4/1 Walthrough Engineering presentation.
08/08/2011 03:24 PM Mary Pihl
Vision 4.1 Walkthrough WebEx Recorded Presentation
This recorded WebEx presentation is a demo and walkthrough of all new features anticipated to releas…

This recorded WebEx presentation is a demo and walkthrough of all new features anticipated to release for the 4.1 of Vision.

08/08/2011 03:26 PM Mary Pihl
Vision for iPhone Service TOI and Update v1.ppt
08/08/2011 02:53 PM Mary Pihl

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