The outlined steps below should be ran by the Quantum technician via a webex and NOT provided to the customer as a self repair!
To reset the GUI password for the 'admin' user for M-xx0 appliances:
1) open a unix ssh window on the MDC and login as root
2) source the profile
# . /usr/adic/.profile
3) connect to the GUI Derby database as shown from the active MDC:
# /usr/adic/java/jre/bin/java -jar /usr/adic/tomcat/lib/derbyrun.jar ij
4) update the GUI database to reset the GUI admin user password to 'password'
ij> connect 'jdbc:derby://localhost:1527//usr/adic/gui/database/guiPrivateDb';
ij> update GUI_USER set PASSWORD='5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99' where USERNAME='admin';
5) disconnect from the GUI Derby database:
ij> quit;
To reset the GUI password for the 'admin' user for RYO:
(For 4.3.X, 4.4.X, 4.5.X, 4.6.X systems running java 1.6.X and Tomcat 7.0.X:)
1) open a unix ssh window on the MDC and login as root
2) source the profile
# . /usr/adic/.profile
3) connect to the GUI Derby database as shown from the active MDC:
# /usr/adic/java/bin/java -jar /usr/adic/tomcat/lib/derbyrun.jar ij
4) update the GUI database to reset the GUI admin user password to 'password'
ij> connect 'jdbc:derby://localhost:1527//usr/adic/gui/database/guiPrivateDb';
ij> update GUI_USER set PASSWORD='5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99' where USERNAME='admin';
5) disconnect from the GUI Derby database:
ij> quit;
To reset the GUI password for the 'admin' user for RYO:
(For 4.2.X and older systems running Java 1.6.X and Tomcat 5.5.X:)
1) open a unix ssh window on the MDC and login as root
2) source the profile
# . /usr/adic/.profile
3) connect to the GUI Derby database as shown from the active MDC:
# /usr/adic/java/bin/java -jar /usr/adic/tomcat/common/lib/derbyrun.jar ij
4) update the GUI database to reset the GUI admin user password to 'password'
ij> connect 'jdbc:derby://localhost:1527//usr/adic/gui/database/guiPrivateDb';
ij> update GUI_USER set PASSWORD='5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99' where USERNAME='admin';
5) disconnect from the GUI Derby database:
ij> quit;