StorNext Troubleshooting


This page contains links to a variety of resources that may help troubleshoot problems in the categories shown below. The Troubleshooting Theory and Strategy category includes general troubleshooting resources that can be used as a reference or to improve troubleshooting skills.

Troubleshooting Theory and Strategy

StorNext Architecture

Log Reading, Tools, and Diagnostics

Installation and Configuration

Performance Issues



Replication and Deduplication

Backup and Disaster Recovery

HA and Failover



Libraries and Media


Q-Cloud Archive



RAS Tickets

Customer Ecosystem-Related Issues

Current Troubleshooting Methodologies












Title Last Updated Updated By
Resetting of the StorNext GUI default password - Based on CR48971
The outlined steps below should be ran by the Quantum technician via a webex and NOT provided to the…

The outlined steps below should be ran by the Quantum technician via a webex and NOT provided to the customer as a self repair!


To reset the GUI password for the 'admin' user for M-xx0 appliances:

1) open a unix ssh window on the MDC and login as root

2) source the profile

     # . /usr/adic/.profile

3) connect to the GUI Derby database as shown from the active MDC:

     # /usr/adic/java/jre/bin/java -jar /usr/adic/tomcat/lib/derbyrun.jar ij

4) update the GUI database to reset the GUI admin user password to 'password'

     ij> connect 'jdbc:derby://localhost:1527//usr/adic/gui/database/guiPrivateDb';

     ij> update GUI_USER set PASSWORD='5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99' where USERNAME='admin';

5) disconnect from the GUI Derby database:

     ij> quit;


To reset the GUI password for the 'admin' user for RYO:

          (For 4.3.X, 4.4.X, 4.5.X, 4.6.X systems running java 1.6.X and Tomcat 7.0.X:)

1) open a unix ssh window on the MDC and login as root

2) source the profile

     # . /usr/adic/.profile

3) connect to the GUI Derby database as shown from the active MDC:

     # /usr/adic/java/bin/java -jar /usr/adic/tomcat/lib/derbyrun.jar ij

4) update the GUI database to reset the GUI admin user password to 'password'

     ij> connect 'jdbc:derby://localhost:1527//usr/adic/gui/database/guiPrivateDb';

     ij> update GUI_USER set PASSWORD='5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99' where USERNAME='admin';

5) disconnect from the GUI Derby database:

     ij> quit;


To reset the GUI password for the 'admin' user for RYO:

          (For 4.2.X and older systems running Java 1.6.X and Tomcat 5.5.X:)

1) open a unix ssh window on the MDC and login as root

2) source the profile

     # . /usr/adic/.profile

3) connect to the GUI Derby database as shown from the active MDC:

     # /usr/adic/java/bin/java -jar /usr/adic/tomcat/common/lib/derbyrun.jar ij

4) update the GUI database to reset the GUI admin user password to 'password'

     ij> connect 'jdbc:derby://localhost:1527//usr/adic/gui/database/guiPrivateDb';

      ij> update GUI_USER set PASSWORD='5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99' where USERNAME='admin';

5) disconnect from the GUI Derby database:

ij> quit;


06/30/2015 05:39 PM Greg Schaefer
Facts about StorNext Backup (snbackup)
01/16/2015 05:24 PM Alice Palmer

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