This topic includes answers to questions that couldn't be answered during the virtual classroom session.
Virtual Classroom Session Held on November 18, 2010
Question: Would a “bad power supply on system node” message show up in /var/log/messages?
Answer: Yes it would, here is an example: (in this case the power cable from PS4 was not plugged in) – “Nov 10 13:17:14 node-1 Server Administrator: Instrumentation Service EventID: 1354 Power supply detected a failure Sensor location: PS 4 Status Chassis location: Main System Chassis Previous state was: Unknown Power Supply type: AC Power Supply state: Presence detected, AC lost”
Question: Why add 2nd metadata module with 5th array? This implies metadata from arrays 1-4 (4 arrays) on 1st metadata module & metadata from arrays 5-10 (6 arrays) on 2nd metadata module. Would make more sense to add 2nd metadata module with 6th array so data would be split evenly.
Answer: Extra Metadata Module is added not so much for size, as well as for performance. The cross-over point was selected for optimal performance for a given capacity of a system.
Question: Will NAS & OST license be one key or separate keys for both.
Answer: Customer will have to get two different license keys from the website to enable NAS and OST; each is a separate license which requires separate activation on the GUI. The customer kit will include two separate Authorization code certificates. Customer can enter their Serial Number once at the website, and then enter each auth code (NAS, OST) to produce two distinct keys. The keys are then entered through the GUI to enable the features.
Question: What are the capacity upgrade procedures when adding multiple expansion modules? That is, can they all be added at once.
Answer: Refer to DXi8500 RAID Array and JBOD Upgrade Instructions on CSWeb.
Virtual Classroom Session Held on November 22, 2010
Question: Are there any plans to offer a high-availability (dual-node) option, similar to what was offered with the DXi7500?
Answer: There is nothing on the roadmap. Note that most HW components have redundancy, so in that sense, one can argue this is high availability.
Question: The Field Service Manual states all the hard disk drives are hot-swappable. What procedures would be needed however if the blue "OK to service" LED was NOT on?
Answer: See attachment - Impending Drive Failure - for procedures. This will also be added to the FSM.
Question: Will FC cables be pre-installed in the rack for future capacity upgrades?
Answer: Yes.
Virtual Classroom Session Held on December 2, 2010
Question: Are the truncation threshold levels in DART dynamic?
Answer: Yes they are, the 70% truncation threshold for the DXi8500 is accurately portrayed by DART.
Virtual Classroom Session Held on January 2, 2010
Question: What are the procedures for ordering Dell parts, when is the Dell service tag needed, from where does Dell ship parts, what are the procedures for returning Dell parts?
Answer: Answers to these questions are in the attached DXi8500 Service Plan.
Question: Can the User Essentials Guide be updated to included the complete startup/shutdown procedures?
Answer: Yes, this update will occur with the expected Galaxy 2.0.1 release (April 2011 timeframe).
Question: When will the un-racked option of the DXi8500 be available?
Answer: Un-racked version of DXi8500 is currently scheduled to be offered in mid-February 2011. This option will include an install document detailing rack requirements, etc.
Question: What is the release schedule for Galaxy 2.0?
Answer: The current schedule (subject to change) is:
- Galaxy 2.0 will be available initially for DXi4500 & Dxi6500 on Feb 22, 2011
- no planned release date for Galaxy 2.0.1 but will eventually be available for DXi4500, 6500, 6700, 8500
- Dxi2500 & DXi7500 will never support Galaxy 2.x, but Galaxy 1.x will continued to be rev’d for these 2 products