DXi V1000 TOI for Service (April 17th, 2012)

The DXi V1000 Transfer of Information (TOI) for Service was held on April 17, 2012, and was meant to provide service and support teams an overview of the new DXi V1000 virtual appliance. It was also meant to provide the opportunity for service and support to ask engineering and product management questions.


Topic Presenter(s) Video Length
Intro, Marketing, and Performance 

Jim Hibbard (Service NPI) and

Mark Thacker (Product Manager)

Installations Jim Kahn (Engineering) 28:47
Failure Isolation Jim Kahn (Engineering) 10:39
ISV Issues and Known Issues

Jim Kahn (Engineering) and

Mark Thacker (Product Manager)

Service and Training Strategies

Jim Hibbard (Service NPI) and

Tom Sajbel (Educational Services)




The PowerPoint presentation from this set of five videos is also available.

Title Last Updated Updated By
DXi V1000 TOI 041712 PPT
04/18/2012 09:14 AM Dave Mason

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