rasDumpOutput (fsc) |
The rasDumpOutput (fsc) will determine what fsc codes are being generated by the drives within a particular i2000/i6000 system from the snapshot. The fsc codes will provide information as to what tape drive or media issues may be occuring within the system, the codes can be used in the ECLT for details and resolutions. The fsc that have occured within a i2000 / i6000 system can be found using search utilities such as Windows Grep (available from CSWeb under Utilities\Internal Downloads) and the rasDump Parser.
Watch or download a video showing on an overview of the rasDumpOutput file.
Watch or download a video showing how to investigate fsc codes within rasDumpOutput file using GREP and WordPad.
Open the snapshot with winzip
Extract the rasDumpOutput file with drag and drop to a specific location
Right click on the file and select Open then select WordPad.
Type fsc=
Click Find Next
Continue clicking Find Next until you searched to the end of the file.
Drive ECLT (Error Code Lookup Tool) >
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