iPhone/iPad App


Quantum Vision software is now available as an iPhone/iPad application. The focus of the Vision iPhone client is the ability to view configuration, status, and reports for Quantum DXi and Scalar products on an Apple iPhone 3G/3GS and iPhone 4 running the IOS 4.1 and higher operating systems.  

Vision iPhone Training on YouTube

Vision is now available as an iPhone/iPad app through iTunes.


  Vision Configuration: Quantum iPhone App is an introductory video that shows you how to configure the Quantum Vision iPhone/iPad App.  

  Vision Alerts: Quantum iPhone App shows you how to view, navigate, and use the Alerts feature to manage issues that might arise within your storage environment.

  Vision Devices: Quantum iPhone App shows you how to monitor devices in your storage environment.

  Vision Reports: Quantum iPhone App shows you how to access reports generated from your storage environment.


Transfer of Information Presentation

Product Manager Mike Simone presented a transfer of information with the launch of the new Quantum Vision iPhone/iPad App release. See below for instructions on how to download past presentaitons and access upcoming sessions.


NOTE: The recording below requires the WebEx Player Link will open in new window..


Vision for iPhone Service TOI and Update

This session provides information on the primary goal of Vison for iPhone; the customer's experience, providing support for the iPhone, and its application.



Title Last Updated Updated By
iPhone TOI

Product Manager Mike Simone presented a transfer of information with the launch of the new Quantum Vision iPhone/iPad App release. See below for instructions on how to download past presentaitons and access upcoming sessions.

08/08/2011 02:47 PM Mary Pihl

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