
Use the links below to access Xcellis Workflow Director, Foundation, and Extender Qwikipedia content. If you have additional Xcellis content to share, please feel free create a new page under this topic and add your content there, so that others can review, contribute to, and benefit from your information.


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To configure the registry key on the file server (Windows Server 2003)

  1. From the command prompt, run regedt32 to open the Registry Editor.
  1. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\lanmanserver\parameters.
  1. If it does not exist, create a DWORD "MaxMpxCt" and set the value to 800 hexadecimal. This specifies a value of 2,048 decimal.
  1. If it does not exist, create a DWORD "MaxWorkItems" and set the value to 2000 hexadecimal. This specifies a value of 8,192 decimal, or 4x the MaxMptCt.
  1. Reboot the machine.


Pasted from <https://www.iis.net/learn/web-hosting/configuring-servers-in-the-windows-web-platform/smb-commands-registry-keys_196

Note by Chuck Forry on 05/13/2017 06:49 AM

 A default quantum smb.conf 


# Configuration file '/etc/samba/smb.conf' auto generated by Quantum Corporation.

# User modifications will be overwritten.


# File generated at Fri Jun 17 16:52:56 2016.

# Previous file located at /etc/samba/smb.conf.bak


    workgroup       = BOULDER_CO

    server string   = "Quantum SN-NAS"

    netbios name    = SANSHARES

    security        = ads

    password server = *

    realm = CO.NOOF.COM

    passdb backend  = tdbsam

    template shell  = /bin/bash

    template homedir = /home/%u

    winbind separator = +

    local master    = no

    domain master   = no

    auth methods    = guest sam_ignoredomain winbind

    guest ok        = no

# Winbind idmap AD settings

    winbind use default domain = yes

    allow trusted domains = yes

    winbind nss info = template

    winbind enum users = yes

    winbind enum groups = yes

    winbind nested groups = yes

    idmap config BOULDER_CO : backend = ad

    idmap config BOULDER_CO : default = yes

    idmap config BOULDER_CO : range = 100-33554431

    idmap config BOULDER_CO : schema_mode = rfc2307

    idmap config * : range = 33554432-67108862

    idmap config * : backend = tdb

    printing        = bsd

    load printers   = no

    disable spoolss = yes

    printcap name   = /dev/null

    log level       = 1

    log file        = /var/log/samba/samba.log.%m

    debug timestamp = yes

    oplocks         = 1

    unix extensions = yes

    clustering      = True

    smb ports       = 445, 139

    mangled names   = yes

    default case    = lower

    case sensitive  = auto

    preserve case   = yes

    short preserve case = yes

    enable core files = no

    winbind max clients = 1000

    winbind request timeout = 60

    username map script =

    username map cache time = 0

    bind interfaces only = yes

    interfaces = lo


    path = /stornext/SAN2/IT

    valid users=@sfu_it

    force group=@sfu_it

    public = no

    writable = yes

    ea support           = 1

    store dos attributes = 1

    map archive          = 0

    map hidden           = 0

    map system           = 0

    inherit permissions  = 1

    inherit acls         = 1

    map acl inherit      = 1

    vfs objects          = acl_xattr snfs

    acl_xattr:ignore system acls = 1

    snfs:managed         = True


    path = /stornext/SAN1/Screeners

    valid users=@sfu_domain_users

    force group=@sfu_domain_users

    public = no

    writable = yes

    ea support           = 1

    store dos attributes = 1

    map archive          = 0

    map hidden           = 0

    map system           = 0

    inherit permissions  = 1

    inherit acls         = 1

    map acl inherit      = 1

    vfs objects          = acl_xattr snfs

    acl_xattr:ignore system acls = 1

    snfs:managed         = True


    path = /stornext/Media

    valid users=@sfu_media

    force group=@sfu_media

    public = no

    writable = yes

    ea support           = 1

    store dos attributes = 1

    map archive          = 0

    map hidden           = 0

    map system           = 0

    inherit permissions  = 1

    inherit acls         = 1

    map acl inherit      = 1

    vfs objects          = acl_xattr snfs

    acl_xattr:ignore system acls = 1

    snfs:managed         = True


    path = /stornext/SAN1

    valid users=@sfu_domain_users

    force group=@sfu_domain_users

    public = no

    writable = yes

    ea support           = 1

    store dos attributes = 1

    map archive          = 0

    map hidden           = 0

    map system           = 0

    inherit permissions  = 1

    inherit acls         = 1

    map acl inherit      = 1

    vfs objects          = acl_xattr snfs

    acl_xattr:ignore system acls = 1

    snfs:managed         = True


    path = /stornext/SAN2

    valid users=@sfu_domain_users

    force group=@sfu_domain_users

    public = no

    writable = yes

    ea support           = 1

    store dos attributes = 1

    map archive          = 0

    map hidden           = 0

    map system           = 0

    inherit permissions  = 1

    inherit acls         = 1

    map acl inherit      = 1

    vfs objects          = acl_xattr snfs

    acl_xattr:ignore system acls = 1

    snfs:managed         = True


    path = /stornext/QSAN1

    valid users=@sfu_lto

    force group=@sfu_lto

    public = no

    writable = yes

    ea support           = 1

    store dos attributes = 1

    map archive          = 0

    map hidden           = 0

    map system           = 0

    inherit permissions  = 1

    inherit acls         = 1

    map acl inherit      = 1

    vfs objects          = acl_xattr snfs

    acl_xattr:ignore system acls = 1

    snfs:managed         = True


    path = /stornext/DEL

    valid users=@sfu_domain_users



    ea support           = 1

    store dos attributes = 1

    map archive          = 0

    map hidden           = 0

    map system           = 0

    inherit permissions  = 1

    inherit acls         = 1

    map acl inherit      = 1

    vfs objects          = acl_xattr snfs

    acl_xattr:ignore system acls = 1

    snfs:managed         = True

Note by Chuck Forry on 07/12/2016 11:50 AM

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