Use the information below to find out when i2k logs should be escalated to the Regional Tech Specialist (RTS) group, what types of issues occur and information is needs to be collected, and the escalation steps on how to do it.
Note: Every service request escalation requires the capture of an extended snapshot - preferably captured immediately after failure or as soon as possible thereafter.
Contact RTS
- For a total library down within in 2 hours after being onsite.
- For all other situations within 4 hours after being onsite if there is no resolution insight.
- If there are parts on order for something other than a down library and an action plan being worked no need to contact the RTS, but if the parts/action plan do not resolve the RTS should be contacted.
* Times could vary depending on the customer’s temperature and managements input.
Types of Issues
Robotics issues
Required information:
- Extended snapshot
- Explanation of issue and what steps have been taken
Drive issue
Required Information
- Drive logs
- Preferably captured immediately after failure or as soon as possible
- Command History Log for related drive(s)
- Preferably captured immediately after failure or as soon as possible
- Physically inspect drives for dust / debris
- Physically inspect suspect media for damage or debris
- Check customer storage locations to ensure proper practices are followed (i.e. not stacking tapes horizontally one on top of the other).
- Explanation of issue and what steps have been taken
FCB issue
Required Information
- Command History Logs for related blade(s)
- Preferably captured immediately after failure or as soon as possible
Ecosystem / Application issue
Required Information
- switch logs
- port configuration information
- zoning information
- OS Version and Patch Level
- Hosts logs showing errors or discrepancies
- Application version and patch level
- Application logs showing errors
- HBA Make, Model, Firmware version and driver version
- Device Driver information
- Other relevant information such as long distance fibre runs, number of patch panels, bend radius of cables, etc.
Note: should be able to get these from administrator
Escalation Steps:
- Collect BOS snapshot
- Collect applicable information
- Evaluate the situation and determine issue
- Determine a resolution if possible
- If possible try and confirm that all TSB and procedures have been followed
- Contact RTS
- Collect EOS snapshot
- Send information to RTS
- RTS will escalated to Engineering if required
Additional Resources