Understanding a QXS5600 Mixed Disk Vdisk Warning


SR Information: SR3598136. Dothill case 108807.


Product / Software Version: QXS5600 with latest firmware (GL210), but may also apply to other QX/QXS Arrays.


Problem Description: If a customer creates a vdisk on the new QXS5600 and selects both HGST and Seagate disks for the vdisk, they will most likely get a misleading message in the GUI.



If a customer creates a vdisk on the new QXS5600 and selects both HGST and Seagate disks for that vdisk, they will probably get the following warning message on the DotHill Array GUI:


"The virtual disk will include both native and emulated format drives. This may result in lower performance under specific workloads, Where possible it is recommended to utilize the same format of drives in a virtual disk."

Customers are then prompted to select Yes/No to continue.



There is no problem with this message UNLESS the customer has changed the sector size (on the emulated disk). So we advise customers to NOT change sector sizes. If all the default sector sizes are used, there is no issue with performance. DotHill has confirmed that the message is a little misleading and does not directly reference anyone making sector size changes.


The two disk types are:



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