Understanding NAS share level access options

Customer presenting Stonext File Systems over the SMB protocol often need to understand the share level access options.


To see what share level access options the customer has set you need to log into sysadmin user which starts the /usr/local/quantum/bin/run-panshell script.


##Showing the sysadmin login script

[root@upm660 shared]# cat /etc/passwd | grep sysadmin
sysadmin:x:497:0:SN-NAS Sysadmin Account:/sysadmin:/usr/local/quantum/bin/run-panshell


##Using 'su sysadmin' to start the script.

[root@upm660 shared]# su sysadmin
Welcome to Quantum M660 SN-NAS Console

*** Type 'help' for a list of commands.


Once you've started the panshell script you can run a 'share show' command to see the share access level assigned to users.


M660:upm660> share show
1: smbgw1 | smb | /stornext/gw1 | write list = jon,public = no,writable = yes


Here we see that user 'jon' has write list options.  Dropping from the sysadmin script we can look at the smb.conf file.


bash-4.1# cat /etc/samba/smb.conf | grep -A 7 global
    workgroup       = WORKGROUP
    server string   = "Quantum SN-NAS"
    netbios name    = UPM660
    template shell  = /bin/bash
    template homedir = /home/%%u
    security        = user
    guest ok        = no


bash-4.1# cat /etc/samba/smb.conf | grep -A 4 smbgw1
    path = /stornext/gw1
    write list = jon
    public = no
    writable = yes

Returning back to the shell we can use the share change command to modify the smb.conf file.


M660:upm660> share change smb smbgw1 admin users = bob ross

Share smbgw1 successfully changed

M660:upm660> share show
1: smbgw1 | smb | /stornext/gw1 | admin users = bob ross,public = no,writable = yes |

M660:upm660> shell-escape
bash-4.1# cat /etc/samba/smb.conf | grep -A 4 smbgw1
    path = /stornext/gw1
    admin users = bob ross
    public = no
    writable = yes


Here is a list of valid options to pass to the smb change command from smb.org (https://www.samba.org/samba/docs/using_samba/ch09.html)


Table 9-1. Share-level access options






admin users

string (list of usernames)

Users who can perform operations as root



valid users

string (list of usernames)

Users who can connect to a share



invalid users

string (list of usernames)

Users who will be denied access to a share



read list

string (list of usernames)

Users who have read-only access to a writable share



write list

string (list of usernames)

Users who have read/write access to a read-only share



max connections


Maximum number of connections for a share at a given time



guest only (only guest)


If yes, allows only guest access



guest account

string (name of account)

Unix account that will be used for guest access



It's also important to note that you can also indicate group level access to a share by preceded by a @ symbol.


M660:upm660> share change smb smbgw1 admin users = @domain users

Share smbgw1 successfully changed

M660:upm660> share show
1: smbgw1 | smb | /stornext/gw1 | admin users = @domain users,public = no,writable = yes |


bash-4.1# cat /etc/samba/smb.conf | grep -A 4 smbgw1
    path = /stornext/gw1
    admin users = @domain users
    public = no
    writable = yes

Multiple users and groups can be added as well.


M660:upm660> share change smb smbgw1 admin users = bob ross @happy trees

Share smbgw1 successfully changed

M660:upm660> share show
1: smbgw1 | smb | /stornext/gw1 | admin users = bob ross @happy trees,public = no,writable = yes |

M660:upm660> shell-escape
bash-4.1# cat /etc/samba/smb.conf | grep -A 4 smbgw1
    path = /stornext/gw1
    admin users = bob ross @happy trees
    public = no
    writable = yes


Also currently at this code level, we limit how many charcters you can pass to the share change command.


M660:upm660> system show version
Quantum M660 SN-NAS 5.2.2-15925 1.1.0-4460

M660:upm660> share change smb gw1 admin users = bob ross @happy trees @Go out on a limb -- thats where the fruit is @we dont make mistakes we just have happy accidents

Error: DataError('value too long for type character varying(128)\n',) (E-1001)

However the share doesn't get updated.


    path = /stornext/gw1
    admin users = bob ross @happy trees @Go out on a limb -- thats where the fruit is


It is possible to manually edit the smb.conf file.


#Editing the gw1 share in smb.conf

    path = /stornext/gw1
    admin users = bob ross @happy trees @Go out on a limb -- thats where the fruit is @we dont make mistakes we just have happy accidents
    public = no
    writable = yes
    ea support           = 1
    store dos attributes = 1
    map archive          = 0
    map hidden           = 0
    map system           = 0
    inherit permissions  = 1
    inherit acls         = 1
    map acl inherit      = 1
    vfs objects          = acl_xattr snfs
    acl_xattr:ignore system acls = 1
    snfs:managed         = True

#Restarting services here

M660:upm660> system restart services all
Stopping all services . . .
smbd stop/waiting
console stop/waiting
snnas_controller stop/waiting
Starting all services . . .
snnas_controller start/running, process 22645
console start/running, process 22860
smbd start/running, process 22874

#Showing the smb.conf doesn't revert back

    path = /stornext/gw1
    admin users = bob ross @happy trees @Go out on a limb -- thats where the fruit is @we dont make mistakes we just have happy accidents
    public = no
    writable = yes


 ##Bug to track the 128 character issue














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