Ubuntu 16 Stornext client install

Ubuntu 16.04 clients are supported in Stornext 6.01 and above but the install isn't available from the Stornext GUI.


You can download the Binary and instruction from this box link.





Installing StorNext Client Software on Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTF Linux


To run the StorNext client software on Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTF Linux, first install the client software package, and then configure the StorNext client.

To install the client software package:

1. Log on to the StorNext client system as root.

2. Change to the directory where the client software archive file you downloaded is located.

3. Unbundle the snfs_client_Debian60_26x86_64.bin or snfs_client_Ubuntu14_x86_64.bin


4. When you are presented with the StorNext End User License Agreement (EULA), press Enter to read the EULA. After reading the EULA enter y to accept the EULA, or enter any other key to decline. After you accept the EULA, the client software is extracted to /tmp/stornext (or to another directory if you specified an alternate location; see Ensuring You Have Enough Space to Extract the Installation Software on page 131).


Note: If the directory into which the files are being extracted does not have enough space, the

installation will fail and you will receive an error message. You will need to identify an alternate

location into which to extract the files by entering the following command:

# ./<archive name> -d <dir>


Note: where <archive name> is the name of the client software archive file you downloaded, and <dir> is the directory into which you want to extract the installation files.


Caution: If the directory into which the files are being extracted already exists, you will receive a warning message. If this occurs, either remove the directory and try the installation again, or change the installation directory by entering the following command:

# ./<archive name> -d <dir>

Caution: where <archive name> is the name of the client software archive file you downloaded, and <dir> is the directory into which you want to extract the installation files.

It is NOT recommended that you force using an existing directory (by using the -f command) because this could lead to additional problems installing the .rpm files.

5. From the /tmp/stornext directory, install all the .deb packages pacakges by typing:# dpkg -i *.deb

6. Copy the fsnameservers file from MDC to/usr/cvfs/config/fsnameservers. Note: Note: The fsnameservers file on the client must be exactly the same as on the MDC.

7. If this is a SAN client, check to make sure LUNs are visible. At the command prompt, type:/usr/cvfs/bin/cvlabel -l

8. Create a mount point.Example:/stornext/<snfs1>Where <snfs1> is the name of the StorNext File System/Xsan volume you are using on your system.

9. Edit the /etc/fstab to add the client mount options.Example:<snfs1> /stornext/snfs1 cvfs rw 0 0Where <snfs1> is the name of the StorNext File System/Xsan volume you are using on your system.

10. Start the file system service. At the command prompt, type:/usr/cvfs/bin/DSM_control start

11. Verify file systems are mounted

16.04.2 Caveats

The use of 4.4 kernel in Ubuntu 16.04.2 prevents the normal starting of StorNext Ubuntu client. The service cvfs start and system systemctl start cvfs will appear to work but the Ubuntu client will not mount the StorNext file system.

If the client is in the state where StorNext is running on the Ubuntu client but not mounting the StorNext file system. The Ubuntu client will need to be fully stopped by typing: service cvfs unload and starting the StorNext client by typing: /usr/cvfs/bin/DSM_control start.

In the event the Ubuntu client was shut down or rebooted the StorNext client will try to start using systemctl causing the Ubuntu client not to mount the StorNext file system. In this situation the Ubuntu client will need to be fully stopped by typing: service cvfs unload and starting the StorNext client by typing: /usr/cvfs/bin/DSM_control start. 

Using /usr/cvfs/bin/cvadmin to stop a StorNext file system will stop the file system on the StorNext MDC but using cvadmin to start the StorNext file system on the MDC will fail. The file system will need to be started on the primary MDC.

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