Transferring Logs from SRScratch to Amplidata's Evidence


When collecting a Lattus log bundle from a customer, an FTP location is first created. Once the log files are moved to that FTP location, they are then automatically moved and stored onto SRScratch. The procedure below describes how to move the logs from SRScratch to Amplidata’s Evidence repository site.


For details on collecting a Lattus log bundle, refer to the "Collecting Log Files" section in the Lattus Troubleshooting chapter of the Lattus Service Reference Guide.


The following commands can be issued directly from SRScratch.


  1. Create a directory in Evidence:

curl -X PUT --digest -u quantum:'!mplist0rN4xt' -H "Accept: application/json" -H "x-Ampli-Kind: Directory"<ticket number> 


Note: The <ticket number> should be your Amplidata ticket number, for example, "QUANTUM-842".


  1. Upload log files to Evidence ( =

curl --digest -u quantum:'!mplist0rN4xt' -H "Accept: application/json"<ticket number>/ --upload-file <filename>


  1. Verify the log files are in Evidence by opening a Web browser and going to the Evidence repository.<ticket number>/ 


  1. Use the following credentials to log into Evidence when prompted:
  1. For Loop to move all files from directory:

for i in $(ls); do (curl --digest -u quantum:'!mplist0rN4xt' -H "Accept: application/json"<ticket number>/ --upload-file $i); done



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