The smartmotion.max_streams Registry Key


This article discusses the smartmotion.max_streams key in the vmPRO registry. It consists of the following sections:


Key Information





Limits the number of virtual machines backed up at one time per policy.


Possible Settings:

Integer:  1 - 8

Meaning of Setting:

1 per every VM allowed to run concurrently

Configuring this Key:

To configure this registry key:


  1. From the GUI pan shell type reg set smartmotion.max_streams <key>
  2. Example of command stdin and stdout:
  3. quantum:soapy> reg set smartmotion.max_streams 1
  4. Registry key 'smartmotion.max_streams' set to '1'


After a backup is started you will see only one virtual machine being pushed if the example command is applied.  This can be seen from the vmPRO Web GUI under Tasks > Backups.



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