The hotadd_transport.enabled Registry Key


This article discusses the hotadd_transport.enabled key in the vmPro registry. It consists of the following sections:


Key Information





Enables the HotAdd feature, which allows you to add and remove SCSI virtual hard disks while your vmPRO is running, for all folders.


Possible Setings:

Boolean (0 or 1)


Meaning of Setting:

0 is disabled

1 is enabled


Configuring this Key:

To configure this registry key:


  1. From the GUI, select Configure > Advanced Settings.
  2. Checkmark the Enable HotAdd Transport for all folders by default check box, as shown below. 



Note: Invidual folders can also be set to attempt HotAdd or NDB as a transport method. However, there is no registry key for the individual folder option.The folder being set to HotAdd has been observed in the contoller log as logging an entry to update the psql database.


Controller logging:


2014-01-13 14:41:11: controller/WARNING:: Unable to detect gen_id on record during update. Probably written without a read, stmt "UPDATE folder SET gen_id = CASE WHEN gen_id IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE gen_id END +1, cbt_reset_schedule={"cycle":[0],"min":30,"days":[],"hr":3,"week":["sun"]}, transport_method=hotadd, name=, uuid=740a5979-9b0e-4c9b-9b66-322404f4d432 WHERE uuid=740a5979-9b0e-4c9b-9b66-322404f4d432". dbWrite from: ControllerCommands.pyc:1825


To view the controller's last update of the sql, check the psqldump.output file in /var/ of the support bundle. The folder can be identified by the 'label' entry. The transport method is the transport_method_description.


Sample output of psqldump:


12039 2 0cf025a6-a2e0-4d58-a3fc-d1b2d09662fc folder_update {"transport_method": "hotadd", "uuid": "740a5979-9b0e-4c9b-9b66-322404f4d432", "transport_method_description": "HotAdd / NBD", "numVms": 29, "cbt_reset_schedule": "{\\"cycle\\":[0],\\"min\\":30,\\"days\\":[],\\"hr\\":3,\\"week\\":[\\"sun\\"]}", "label": "", "total_exported_vm_size": "3196.0 GB", "cbt_reset_schedule_description": "Reset every Sunday at 3:30", "name": ""} c1dfc7706ea011e3b81c000c292f20f8 -1 1389652675.11147 1389652675.2653501 1389652675.3446889 102 0   19871 \N \N


Confirming That hotadd_transport is Enabled

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