The Target is Filling Up (DRAFT)


In this scenario, the customer has called with this problem: Reclamation is not finding any files to delete on the target and it is filling up.

Problem Description: The customer deleted partitions on both the source and target systems that were configured for trigger based replication. After deleting several partitions on the target as well as their snapshots a GC still did not find any data to reclaim. The tags to be reclaimed were still being referenced somewhere. A sync ended up releasing those tags but where were they referenced? 
Available Information: The Information at Status -> System -> Disk Usage shows that there is deduplicated data still in the blockpool.  The Replication taglist (JM: Be more specific.  Probably gc or hc referenced tags) shows that the target is aware of the state of the tags on the target.
Tech Support’s Initial Thoughts: Tech Support walks the customer through running a sync to see what happens. After running the sync, the target was able to find the files to be deleted. WHY IS THIS? Knowing the process flow for trigger-based replication would help to understand all of the processes and files that may be referenced.
Questions from Tech Support:

Next Steps: Responses from Engineering




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