T&D and Service SME Collaboration Space


T&D and Service SME Collaboration Space

Please visit this space weekly to provide input on the deliverables and answers to the questions listed below. Here are a few things to consider as you review the content and questions on this page:


The information, questions, and deliverables will be posted below on a weekly basis. Requests for input will include a link to the deliverable/information in question and suggested methods for providing feedback, such as a shared PDF review or an email response to the collaboration team in response to a question.


Our current focus is on work for the StorNext 6.0 software release (GA of June 21, 2017), appliances release (GA of July 17, 2017), and ongoing StorNext Connect work that is happening along the way (see the Release Train for the latest StorNext Connect release planning info).


Week 18 - July 31, 2017

StorNext Software

Quantum Appliances

StorNext Connect

Week 17 - July 24, 2017

StorNext Software

Quantum Appliances

StorNext Connect

Connect Releases Coming Up and Related News

Week 16 - July 17, 2017

StorNext Software

Quantum Appliances

StorNext Connect

Connect Releases Coming Up and Related News

Questions/Requests for Input

Week 15 - July 10, 2017

StorNext Software

Quantum Appliances

StorNext Connect

Connect Releases Coming Up and Related News

Questions/Requests for Input

Week 14 - June 26, 2017

StorNext Software

Quantum Appliances

StorNext Connect

Connect Releases Coming Up and Related News

Questions/Requests for Input

Week 13 - June 19, 2017

StorNext Software

Quantum Appliances

StorNext Connect

Connect Releases Coming Up and Related News

Questions/Requests for Input

Week 12 - June 12, 2017

StorNext Software

Quantum Appliances

StorNext Connect

Connect Releases Coming Up and Related News

Questions/Requests for Input

Week 11 - June 5, 2017

StorNext Software

Quantum Appliances

StorNext Connect

Connect Releases Coming Up and Related News

Questions/Requests for Input

Week 10 - May 29, 2017

StorNext Software

Quantum Appliances

StorNext Connect

Connect Releases Coming Up and Related News

Questions/Requests for Input


Week 9 - May 22, 2017

StorNext Software

Quantum Appliances

StorNext Connect

Connect Releases Coming Up and Related News

Questions/Requests for Input



Week 8 - May 15, 2017

StorNext Software

Quantum Appliances

StorNext Connect

Connect Releases Coming Up and Related News

Questions/Requests for Input



Week 7 - May 8, 2017

StorNext Software

Quantum Appliances

On Monday, May 8, you should have received a "Please Review" email from John Love for the Break/Fix course for the StorNext 6.0 release. Please review this course for technical accuracy, especially the Connectivity slide, which you will notice is incomplete. Please Note: Unfortunately, this Connectivity slide is not appearing properly in your browsers, making some connections inaccurate and interractions behaving improperly. We're working on fixing this problem, but the file works properly in Storyline (our development tool), so I won't be able to fix this problem in the short term. Regardless of this problem, please add your comments into the shared PDF that I sent with the link to the course by COB Friday, May 12. Thank you in advance.


Also, if you have answers to these questions below, please respond. (I haven't received any feedback yet.) Having your feedback on these questions will greatly improve our training. 



StorNext Connect

Connect Releases Coming Up and Related News

Questions/Requests for Input


Week 6 - May 1, 2017

StorNext Software

Quantum Appliances

StorNext Connect

Connect Releases Coming Up and Related News

Questions/Requests for Input


Week 5 - April 24, 2017

StorNext Software

Quantum Appliances

StorNext Connect

Connect Releases Coming Up and Related News

Questions/Requests for Input


Week 4 - April 17, 2017

StorNext Software

Quantum Appliances


StorNext Connect

Connect Releases Coming Up and Related News

Questions/Requests for Input



Week 3 - April 10, 2017

StorNext Software

Quantum Appliances


StorNext Connect

Connect Releases Coming Up and Related News

Questions/Requests for Input


  Week 2 - April 3, 2017

StorNext Software

Quantum Appliances


StorNext Connect

Connect Releases Coming Up and Related News

Questions/Requests for Input

  Week 1 - March 27, 2017

StorNext Software

Request for Critique

Quantum Appliances


StorNext Connect

Connect Releases Coming Up and Related News

Questions/Requests for Input




Thanks for taking the time to review the course, Jeff. I appreciate your feedback.

Note by Tom Sajbel on 07/19/2017 05:00 PM

 StorNext 6 Release Product Update for Service online training course

150 page doc.. Lots of info in the service update..

Challenge pre-6.0 with Solution 6.0, very nice..

CLI commands examples followed by GUI examples is great.

Troubleshooting tips, great add.

The document is nicely done and well written.

StorNext 6 changes are impressive.

Note by Jeff Trongaard on 07/12/2017 04:28 PM

 Prepare the server to add memory section

Gracefully Failover the Server Node Operating as Primary to Operate as Secondary

Note: This applies to dual-server (HA) systems only.”

DAE is to be installed on the secondary node (node2), you don’t need to failover, just stop cvfs on the secondary node and shutdown node2


“Stop NAS Failover for NFS Clusters (NFS-HA) Before Using the cvfs Command”

Why are you stopping the NAS cluster? When you stop cvfs on node2 the NAS cluster will failover automatically to node1


I’d recommend putting “Adding memory and expansion cards” at the top of the list before the DAE configuration steps overview

Also you might want to add the method for checking the amount of memory on the existing system. You can use the command> free


“Install the Memory Memory and/or Expansion Cards in Server Node 1

For dual-server (HA) systems, repeat Step 5Step 6, and Step 7 for the other server node.”

Since the DAE runs on Node2 only, do you have to install the same amount of memory/expansion cards on node1? Does the hardware need to match on both nodes?

If that’s the case when you power node2 backup and it’s online you would need to fail node1 to node2 and repeat the memory/expansion card procedure on node1


A pre-configured and mounted StorNext file system is required for storing the VM disk image file.

The test system (snt820116-mdc1.mdh.quantum.com) does not have a filesystem configured for the VM?

I’m unable to ssh to the test system with the default>stornext/password

Note by Jeff Trongaard on 05/18/2017 12:16 PM

 Transfer the Files to the System (DAE configuration)

Before the firmware upgrade files can be applied to the system, they must first be transferred to correct location on the server (or on server Node 2 for dual-node [HA] systems). 

The files being transferred to the system would be an iso or ova, not firmware..


The stornext default password “password” has been changed for the test system> snt820116-mdc1.mdh.quantum.com , I’ll like to run the procedure to transfer a file. Can you provide the password.

Note by Jeff Trongaard on 05/17/2017 05:42 PM

 John, I completed the pdf review and posted my comments to the pdf. Adding my comments here for the Quantum Appliance Connectivity slide.

I think the layout is to messy, trying to get to much on the page, needs to be two pages. Tape “SAN” is missing from the connectivity for both WFD and WFX, the extender supports DDM. Also Object/Cloud and Infiniband are options with WFD and not included in the connectivity.


This weeks questions:

In a part-replacement scenario in the field, what kind of connectivity issues are exceptionally challenging? Why?

Answer: From a connectivity standpoint, NIC’s, FC HBA’s, etc.. have a very low failure rate. The issues seen with replacement connectivity is more related to post replacement, switch zoning changes, as the WWN or MAC address have changed, this falls on the Customer. Regarding parts replacement in general, the documentation is pretty good.


What information would help an engineer in this situation?

Answer: Knowing how to configure connectivity products, Brocade, Qlogic, Cisco, Dell, etc..


What are your biggest challenges – on the phone, or in the field – regarding parts replacement?

Answer: Getting/waiting on the part, waiting on the TPM, more logistical type issues.. 

Note by Jeff Trongaard on 05/10/2017 04:40 PM

Thank you for elaborating on this John,


PS usually does more of new installs, software upgrades, data migrations, etc. and not a lot of break/fix scenarios in the field.  In terms of break/fix cases I can't think of any big and /or specific challenge at the moment.


Note by Sayed Alemzada on 05/10/2017 02:33 PM

Hello Sayed, 


We're looking for input regarding break/fix scenarios in the field, and connectivity and cabling seem to present some more complex issues. That's why we're asking. For example, in our existing training we cover the straight-through cabling method vs. reverse cabling method, encouraging engineers to use the reverse method. Do other issues like this come to mind? For example, we included power up and power down procedures in the last trainng as well, but we would like to expand on that, and other issues, if it's warranted. 


This training is targeted to Service as a whole, from phone support to PS/QSPs/TAMs and TPMs. Again, here were our main questions:


·        In a part-replacement scenario in the field, what kind of connectivity issues are exceptionally challenging? Why?

·        What information would help an engineer in this situation? 

·        What are your biggest challenges – on the phone, or in the field – regarding parts replacement?



Note by John Love on 05/03/2017 12:10 PM

 >>  Sorry, what is meant by this?

  • In a part-replacement scenario in the field, what kind of connectivity issues are exceptionally challenging? Why?


Note by Sayed Alemzada on 05/02/2017 11:29 AM

 Hello, Here are my notes


  • How far in advance of GA do you get details about a software release? (Is this too soon, too late, just right?) Not much. Generally we get informed by managment week before its release.

  • Who provides upcoming Release info to you? Either management or Sustaining group.

  • About the details you get for an upcoming Release– are they enough to prepare you for the Release? (Too much (nice to know) or too little (need to know more)?)

  • Not enough as we dont see the release notes beforehand. So we dont know what features are added and bugs fixed. We may know of one particular critical bug thats fixed. Thats it.

  • Do you think the TOIs are valuable? Do you attend or watch the recording afterwards? Absolutely. TOIs are very valuable. I keep going back to them many times as reference.

  • If you are not satisfied with the degree and/or timing of information on Releases, do you have any ideas on what could be done to help Service more? I think we should send release notes to Service beforehand so we are aware of whats coming in the new release

Note by Mamoon Ansari on 04/20/2017 11:16 AM

Thanks Jeff and Sayed, for your comments. I am very happy to hear you are receiving information at a time and degree which is just right. Sayed - thank for pointing out that bug fixes are key info you look for as well as the new features coming out.


Your question, Jeff, is one I have been considering: IF Information is locked down and available prior to GA, can we release something? Oftentimes, changes can be happening pretty close to GA, but I am "hoping" for this SN6 Release (stretch goal) that I may be able to get something out to Service before the TOI, so that Service gets to know the features in advance and can come to the TOI with questions for the Engineers. But it sounds like you guys in the Field are already aware of what will be presented in the TOI, thanks to your management and PMs. I hope that means it is easier for you to absorb all that is being presented and ask key questions.


Frederic and Mamoon: do you get the info you need, when you need it, as phone Service support? Thanks!

Note by Elizabeth Stands on 04/17/2017 11:58 AM


  • How far in advance of GA do you get details about a software release? (Is this too soon, too late, just right?)
    • Service has a monthly NPI first Tuesday every month. It covers all products and software, schedules and updates.
    • We receive the GA details at the time of release (Just right)
  • Who provides upcoming Release info to you?
    • Product management and our direct management
  • About the details you get for an upcoming Release– are they enough to prepare you for the Release? (Too much (nice to know) or too little (need to know more)?)
    • TOI’s for major releases are generally provided before GA, this is great information and allows user input.
    • GA releases are timed with the release date. (Just right)
  • Do you think the TOIs are valuable? Do you attend or watch the recording afterwards?
    • Generally watch them live, having the recordings available for refresh is great.
  • If you are not satisfied with the degree and/or timing of information on Releases, do you have any ideas on what could be done to help Service more?
    • I haven’t track when information is release with regards to GA, if the information is locked down and available prior to GA do you release it?
Note by Jeff Trongaard on 04/17/2017 10:50 AM


  • How far in advance of GA do you get details about a software release? (Is this too soon, too late, just right?)

    >>  Unless this is referrring to just TOIs, it varies.  Generally speaking it is just right.

  • Who provides upcoming Release info to you?

>>  My director, someone from development, sometimes project management, or sustaining.

  • About the details you get for an upcoming Release– are they enough to prepare you for the Release? (Too much (nice to know) or too little (need to know more)?)

>>  We often get the highlights.  We get more detailed info if it references a fix to a very common issue or it is an interesting new feature.

  • Do you think the TOIs are valuable? Do you attend or watch the recording afterwards?

>> Yes.  Most of the time I cannot attend the live TOI so mostly I rely on recording of it.

  • If you are not satisfied with the degree and/or timing of information on Releases, do you have any ideas on what could be done to help Service more?


    >>  Although very difficult, but hands-on in a real lab env. when there is a significant change will be benificial – that way – we don’t get practice it at a customer site for the first time.

When I click on "See the Release Train page for the most current listing of upcoming app releases and anticipated release dates”  I get the following:

Not Permitted

You are not permitted to perform this operation.

Note by Sayed Alemzada on 04/14/2017 07:41 PM

 Answering Elizabeth's questions:


(1) The 5.4 Service Update has a "Compatibility Updates At-A-Glance on page 32. Are these the Additions and Removals you would recommend putting at the front of the document?


Yes, I think they are better served in the beginning of the document. If its at the beginning, users are not likely to miss it.



(2) For every feature, I end the section with "Additional Resources," suggesting Service readers find more information in the User's Guide, Compat Guide, etc. Are these the links to customer documentation you are talking about (point e below)? Or are there other documents you think we can leverage? You mention that the Service Update is not customer-facing, but that you want customers to get more step-by-step of the new features. But the User's Guide is customer-facing. I need some help better understanding your recommendation here.


I think we are ok here. I was thinking of partners and FEs that are onsite with customer reading this doc and then having to find additional info in the User's Guide. For example on configuring DAE etc.


Note by Mamoon Ansari on 04/06/2017 04:55 PM

Good to know, Jeff, that the format seems to work well for you. With three of you approving it, I am going to use it again for the 6.0 Update.


As for the IBM Failover Drive, and moreover, topics like it, I wouldn't go into configuration detail in the Service Update. I would leave that to documentation. Unless, during review, you SMEs tell me that this is so important/difficult, that it may need some degree of "training."


Clearly, my documentation reference here isn't the greatest. This is why it is SO valuable to get the review of a few Service experts on the 6.0 content before it gets released to everyone. I'm not going to send everything to you guys, but definitely the topics I think our most important or potentially confusing. Thanks.



Note by Elizabeth Stands on 04/06/2017 04:52 PM

Jeff Trongaard

 I’m in agreement with Mamoon's suggestions. Format looks good.


On page 18 (22) Referencing configuring the IBM failover driver added in the 5.4 release.

Should this option be covered in more detail?

How do I configure it?


Insights: Helpful to Know
· System Parameters Page Useful for IBM Failover Driver:

 This SCSI parameter is important when configuring the IBM Failover Driver added in the

5.4 release.  

Note by Jeff Trongaard on 04/06/2017 04:31 PM

Sayed - Thanks very much for your input.


Mamoon - if you would be so kind to answer these clarifying questions re: your feedback, I would greatly appreciate it.


(1) The 5.4 Service Update has a "Compatibility Updates At-A-Glance on page 32. Are these the Additions and Removals you would recommend putting at the front of the document?


(2) For every feature, I end the section with "Additional Resources," suggesting Service readers find more information in the User's Guide, Compat Guide, etc. Are these the links to customer documentation you are talking about (point e below)? Or are there other documents you think we can leverage? You mention that the Service Update is not customer-facing, but that you want customers to get more step-by-step of the new features. But the User's Guide is customer-facing. I need some help better understanding your recommendation here.



*I have forwarded your thoughts about the need for a Partner-facing "TOI" about the chain.

*I am following up on your requests re: the addition of CLI commands

*I will add a point to the beginning of the Service Update that users need to refer to the Release Notes to find the Bug fixes.




Note by Elizabeth Stands on 04/04/2017 10:13 AM

 I honestly think this doc is very well organized and the format is eay to follow.  I can't think of adding anything to it.  

Note by Sayed Alemzada on 04/03/2017 06:53 PM

 Elizabeth re: Mamoon's Questions


If there are additional commands, can we list those?

Let me talk to Fedri - documentation - about if/how we would go about doing this.


this doc needs to state that bugs are only listed in Release notes.

I'll add this to the front of the Service Update


But is there benefit of having links to external Quantum docs with more detailed procedures so customers can get more step by step of these new features?

Intriguing. Can you provide me with one or two examples so that I can see what you mean?

Note by Elizabeth Stands on 04/03/2017 02:31 PM

StorNext Connect

Do you have questions or concerns about the following issues that we could address in the documentation and training related to the upcoming changes to the StorNext Connect website?

·        CON-862


·        CON-1813


No concerns with above issues.






Mamoon Ansari comments on Stornext 5.4 Service Update:


1. Prioritize changes with something like:

    a. Major (ACL)

    b. Medium (Improved Capture State)

    c. Minor (Stornext Connect Ports Enablement)


2. Have Additions and Removals (say support dropped for XSAN 3) prominent on page1 or 2.


3. Prioritize changes via Product so customers can quickly see whats changed for the

    feature they use the most.


        a. Stornext changes (major, minor etc)

        b. Storage Manager changes (major, minor etc)

        c. NAS changes (major, minor etc)


4. Love the color coding of pre-5.4 and post-5.4 changes. 


5. I dont see particular commands listed that are relevant to 5.4. For example there is a new command called snacl. I dont see that in the ServiceUpdate doc. This is a major feature command that lists acls. If there are additional commands, can we list those?



Question to consider:

a. Since Partners don’t get access to the TOI, is the content of the Service Update enough for them


TOI is much more comprehensive. This wont cover everything in TOI so this is not enough. TOI

has certain step by step procedures which this doc does not. We may need to consider another avenue for a TOI for partners.


b. Is the format of this document easy to read? Can you follow along and  quickly find what you need to know?


Format is very good and easy to read and follow.


c. Ive noticed that this doesnt contain BUGs that are fixed in 5.4. Is there a plan to incorporate bugs in this doc or will they only be in Release notes. If so, then this doc need to state that bugs are only listed in Release notes.


d. Also love the  word "Benefit". This quickly tells customers what the benefit of this feature is.


e. What about having links to customer external documentation as well?

This doc is for internal Quantum. But is there benefit of having links to external Quantum docs with more detailed procedures so customers can get more step by step of these new features?

Just a thought.



Per Elizabeth:

When you get a chance, can you talk a bit more about the prioritizing? Does it simply make more “sense” that way, or is there a reason Service needs have the biggest impacts clearly called out?



Thanks, E


Reason I asked for priority is so customers can quickly see what changes are coming and if they should think about upgrading. If its stated as "major", customers are more likely to researchthis further and consequently more likely to upgrade their software which we want ultimately. 

Note by Mamoon Ansari on 04/03/2017 01:49 PM

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