Stornext to NAS Stack Version Reference |
Often when reading bugs regarding SN-NAS reporting Quantum Support will see comment directly referencing the NAS version, such as this comment from Bug 58086 (
Michael Sevy 2015-12-14 18:46:25 MST
(In reply to comment #3) > The same customer has hit this bug yet again with close to 30 cores. Given > this is fixed in a newer release of Samba, can we get a date as to when we will > implement this newer release? According to the Samba buzilla you referenced, this was resolved in Samba 4.1.16. With NAS 1.0 and 1.1, we ship Samba 4.1.17. With NAS 1.2.0 (shipped with StorNext 5.3.0), we are shipping Samba 4.1.20.
SMB Version isn't collected in cvgathers, collect logs (as gathered from or MDC snapshots. You can view NAS stack versions by running the following command from the sysadmin script started when changing to that user.
[root@spsgw1 ~]# su sysadmin
Welcome to Quantum G300 SN-NAS Console
*** Type 'help' for a list of commands.
G300:spsgw1> system show version
Quantum G300 SN-NAS 5.2.2-15925 1.1.0-4460 <<<<<< This is the NAS stack version here
To see the rpm we install to cordinate with this commands output you can do the following.
[root@spsgw1 ~]# rpm -qa | grep -i 'snfs-nas'
To check the smb version you can run this:
[root@spsgw1 ~]# smbstatus --version
Version 4.1.17-SerNet-RedHat-10.el6
Stornext to NAS Stack verion Legend
Stornext Code Version SAMBA version NAS stack version
5.2.2 Build 57257 (Gateway) Version 4.1.17-SerNet-RedHat-10.el6 Quantum G300 SN-NAS 5.2.2-15925
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