StorNext QX and QXS Storage (DotHill)

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          - Notes for Technical Support



Seagate DotHill USB drivers <serial cable> QXS648 QX QXS

Friday, March 10, 2017

9:50 AM


Seagate DotHill USB drivers <serial cable> QXS648 QX QXS


Jeff Syme




Friday, March 10, 2017 9:39 AM







In this note I’ve included the following topics on the 3/4/6 QXS:

  1. Trouble with the first DotHill supplied USB drivers
  2. Solution to USB drivers
  3. Setup Guides and references links
  1. The USB driver Release Notes



I’ve recently been exposed to newer DotHill Controllers, specifically the QXS648, where the older USB drives would not recognized the hardware.


Dot Hill finally conceded that there is a newer package and sent it to me via SANsolve case # 117221


Here is the older suite attached:

Here is the newer suite attached::


If someone wanted to reply to all with that USB cable part number that would really round out this article.

  • Cable kit [Cable Package: USB Type B; CLI (USB)] … Part number _______?



And a few resources links:

Note by Chuck Forry on 05/13/2017 09:58 AM

<<< DH Support  >> > 877-DOT-7X24 (877-368-7924)

Note by Chuck Forry on 05/13/2017 09:55 AM


DotHill password reset procedure -


In the event the user misplaces the management password for a Titanium (or OEM version of Titanium) and can no longer access the storage system to manage it, there are two ways to access the system to establish management capabilities.


1. The first method to recover from a lost default manage password or a user defined management password is to use an undocumented userid. This userid allows you to create additional management users.

a) The process is to log into the system using the telnet or USB serial interface with the userid of admin and a password of !admin. This will log the user into the system and new users and passwords can be established using the set user command.

b) Once access is obtained, perform a show user command to determine what users exist currently. You will not be able to recover the password for existing users, but you can create new users with the create user command.

c) During user creation, set the management level to manage. Once the user is created you may set any additional user parameters with the set user command.

d) Use the command help set user to determine the options. You may now log out of admin and log into the system with the new user credentials that were just established.


. If the admin option is not successful, the second method is to restore the controllers to factory defaults. This does not affect the vdisks and volumes, including any specific mappings. There is additional information required in this method which is the internal serial number of the controller being accessed.


This serial number can be found in one of two places depending on the OEM supplying the controller. If it is branded as Dot Hill, the serial number is on the part number label that is attached to the faceplate of the controller. If the controller is from another OEM that has a different serial number format, the internal serial number of the controller can be observed from the connector end of the controller (the controller must be removed from the chassis). This procedure does not address the issue of gracefully removing a controller from the chassis. The serial number in either location should have the format similar to DHSISHU-1014D8EA60.


a) Once the serial number is identified, log into the system via the MC serial port with the userid of restoredefaults and the password consisting of 00C0FF followed by the last 6 characters of the internal serial number.

b) In the example above, the password would be 00C0FFD8EA60. This must be entered in capital letters. This method will restore the userids and passwords back to original factory defaults, with the standard management userid of manage and a password of !manage.

c) You can now create additional users if desired with the appropriate parameters. Use the command help set user to determine the options.

d) The factory default settings for the MC were restored but the MC will capture some of those back from the SC. You should review all settings to ensure they are correct.

Note by Chuck Forry on 05/13/2017 09:51 AM



Upgrade QXS to GL222P013

Make sure that PFU is disabled. You have to upgrade each controller individually so make sure the management ports for both controllers are usable.

Here is the link I have for the firmware >


QXS-3xx/4xx GL222P013 Firmware (October 2016)

QXS-1200/2400/5600 GL222P013 Firmware (October 2016)





55 MB

Release Notes


582 KB




 The release notes describe the installation paths, GUI or CLI,


If they are coming from GL205, there is a chance the controller will get stuck in “ initializing” .

To get around it you will need to get on the console using the mini-USB cable using the driver    Once on the console,  change the ip address of the controller so you can again access it via ssh, http or ftp. See the CLI guide  -


If you get stuck in initializing retry to start the upgrade at least 3 times before giving up on the controller.


Also it is easier to use the version 2 Disk Array Utility for the upgrade.  To use that GUI rather than the version 3 GUI, simply rename the URL


Version three  =


To use the version 2 gui instead,


Version two =

Note by Chuck Forry on 05/13/2017 09:48 AM


 When Expanding there are a few things we need to be aware of...
if we're running version < 4.7.. make sure we do not have a "down" stripe group if we're expanding throug the GUI

Do not add LUNs to existing stripe group.. always add  a new stripe group (especially crucial if you're expanding metadata space)


In 5.x we have an issue expanding if there are multiple LUNs in the new stripe group that are not same size..

Run cvfsck check first before expanding because if the metadata is not clean.. they may have unexplained failures

SPS has seen expansion failure a  few times due to unclean metadata

When you start the expansion you may get a RAS event like the following from MDC2. This is because you are changing the stripe groups. It can be noted and closed.


SR Ticket Number: 1,034

SR Serial Number: AV1527CKD00113

SR Problem Summary: QUANTUM software : File System component 12kx_2074_mdc2-[05/13/17-05:51:27.117] : Initialization failure

SR Problem Code: 010D : 78

SR Error Code: Initialization failure

SR Severity: 1

SR Notes: 12kx_2074_mdc2 fsm[PID=22687]: fs "dvs-rt3": FSM Initialization for file system "dvs-rt3" failed (File system Icb check failed! ICB Check Error: [StripeGroup count mismatch] ), exiting with status 0x15 (intervention required) Ticket creation time: 05/13 05:51:27 EDT

ref KFC

Note by Chuck Forry on 05/13/2017 07:10 AM

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