Use the resources in this section to stay current on service-specific features of the Scalar i2000/i6000 such as log reading, dissiminate tips and tricks, share troubleshooting resources, and provide feedback to the service and training teams regarding tools and resources that you need to do your job.
To take full advantage of the information found here make sure you've taken all of the Scalar i2000/i6000 courses available in StorageCare Learning and use the Notes tab on the top of each page to ask questions or leave a comment.
Qwikipedia Topics
Recorded Presentations and TOIs
- QUEST - Quantum's enterprise search engine used to search for content across the enterprise.
- CSWeb - Technical Service Bulletin's (TSB's), current and legacy versions of firmware, a comprehensive list of user and maintenance manuals, tools, and training video's.
- KnowledgeBase - Contains frequently asked questions and articles addressing troubleshooting and support issues.
- myQ - Quantum's Intranet site containing program information, upcoming releases, and weekly core team meeting notes
- Tech Pubs Wiki - Draft versions of documentation and information on product usability enhancements.
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Log into StorageCare Learning to register for and take the following courses. Enter a course number in the search box to look for a specific course or search for Scalar i2000 or Scalar i6000 to see the full list.
Scalar i6000
- Scalar i6000 Service Training Part 1 (2-0374 Online Self-paced)
- Scalar i6000 Service Training Part 2 (2-0375 Classroom)
- Scalar i6000 Gen 2 Hardware Installation and Upgrade (2-3326 Classroom) NEW for i10
- Advanced Scalar i2000 Field Service (2-0326 Online Self-Paced)
- Scalar i6000 Engineering Knowledge Transfer (2-0379 Recorded Presentation)
- Scalar i2000/i6000 i8 Service Update (2-0378 Online Self-paced)
- Scalar i6000 i8.1 Service Update (2-2314a Online Self-paced)
- Scalar i6000 i10 Dual Robot Release Service Update (2-2314b Online Self-paced) NEW for i10
Scalar i2000
- Advanced Scalar i2000 Field Service (2-0326 Online Self-Paced)
- Scalar i2000 i7 Field Service Educational Update (2-0310g Online Self-Paced)
- Scalar i2000 i6 Field Service Educational Update (2-0310f Online Self-Paced)
- Scalar i2000 i5.1 Field Service Educational Update (2-0310e Online Self-Paced)
- Scalar i2000 i5 Field Service Educational Update (2-0310d Online Self-Paced)
- Scalar i2000 i4 Field Service Educational Update (2-0310c Online Self-Paced)
- Scalar i2000 i3 Field Service Educational Update (2-0310b Online Self-Paced)
- Scalar i2000 M2 Field Service Educational Update (2-0310a Online Self-Paced)
Related Courseware
- Scalar Key Manager Service Training (2-0525 Online Self-paced)
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What service and support challenges do you face? Are there questions you have about the Scalar i2000/i6000 that you'd like answered? Click the Notes tab above the Scalar i6000 image above and leave a note and let us know how we can help.
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