SR3508190 Failed to allocate stripe group space, metadata full |
SR Information: 3508190 GWDG / Max Planck
Problem Description: Failed to allocate stripe group space, metadata full
Product / Software Version:
MDC: SNMS SuSE 10 SP3 64 bit ( |
The Customer is trying to add another data stripegroup to an existing filesystem with 2 metadata stripes, one was created when the filesystem was created and the other added some time later. (SG0 and SG7).
When cvupdatefs is run it fails claiming *Failed to allocate stripe group space, metadata full* despite SG7 having 67GB free metadata space. (And 5GB free on SG0).
Symptoms & Identifying the problem
## 1 ## Log Review:
The following changes have been detected in the configuration Please review these changes carefully.
Stripe Group Name Stripe Status MetaData Journal
================= ============= ======== =======
sg0 No Change No Change No Change
sg1 No Change
sg2 No Change
sg3 No Change
sg4 No Change
sg5 No Change
sg6 No Change
sg7 No Change No Change
sg8 Create
This will modify the file system *UNI05*.
Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N] Flushing journal entries... done Initializing stripe group sg8 information... *Fatal*: Failed to allocate stripe group space, metadata full
*Error*: ERROR
- validated config file -> OK
- validated free space MetaData SG -> OK
- changed AllocationStrategy from round -> balance even though no exact match for Bug 36127
- checked cvlabel output -> OK
cvadmin - show output for MD SG
Stripe Group 0 [sg0] Status:Up,MetaData,Journal,Exclusive
Total Blocks:3199710 (97.65 GB) Reserved:0 (0.00 B) Free:167552 (5.11 GB) (5%)
Stripe Group 7 [sg7] Status:Up,MetaData,Exclusive
Total Blocks:3199710 (97.65 GB) Reserved:0 (0.00 B) Free:2221442 (67.79 GB) (69%)
## 2 ## Troubleshooting:
We decided to replicate the failure again and collect a strace this time.
The trace shows it’s failing while checking for bitmap space in SG7 which we know has sufficient free space.
write(1, *(Debug): bm_find_space: Reading *..., 160(Debug): bm_find_space: Reading bitmap start blk 0x2d1532 end blk0x2d153e read blk 0x2d1532
read_block_hint 0x0 sg_hint 7 stripe_group 7 alloc_blocks 0x7a2) = 160
write(1, *\n*, 1) = 1
pread(5, *\37\370\0\0\0\0?\361\367\374\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\7\303\300\0*..., 32768, 96815611904) = 32768
write(1, *(Debug): bm_find_space: 3Resetin*..., 108(Debug): bm_find_space: 3Reseting start and end bits from 0x3 and 0xc to -1 while using read block 0x2d1532) = 108
write(1, *\n*, 1) = 1
write(1, *(Debug): bm_find_space: 3Resetin*..., 118(Debug): bm_find_space: 3Reseting start and end bits from 0x30d2d6 and 0x30d2dd to -1 while using read block 0x2d153e) = 118
write(1, *\n*, 1) = 1
write(1, *(Debug): bm_find_space: Reached *..., 90(Debug): bm_find_space: Reached end of bit map, read_block 0x2d153f bm_end_block 0x2d153e) = 90write(1, *\n*, 1) = 1
write(1, *(Debug): Inode 0x56b3e7: Alloc 0*..., 72(Debug): Inode 0x56b3e7: Alloc 0x7a2 blocks at block 0xffffffffffffffff) = 72
write(4, *(Debug): Inode 0x56b3e7: Alloc 0*..., 72) = 72
write(1, **Fatal*: Failed to allocate stri*..., 62*Fatal*: Failed to allocate stripe group space, metadata full
So how come? Reviewing the code within cvfsupdatefs.c we can see the calculation for the required block comes from blks_to_alloc
and being processed by bm_find_space().
In our case we failed to allocate space. Lets check how much space we require. We know the formula ( see code above ) so lets
Create the following C-file for the calculation and compile it with the GNU compiler.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#define FsBlockSize 0x8000 /* From Config File or cvfsdb show icb */
#define RNDUPFS(a) (((a) + (FsBlockSize - 1)) & ~(FsBlockSize -1)) /* From globals.h */
int main(void)
unsigned int d_blocksize = FsBlockSize;
unsigned int blks_to_alloc = 0;
unsigned int total_blocks = 511982592; /* From cvfsck -nv */
blks_to_alloc = RNDUPFS(total_blocks >> 3) / d_blocksize;
printf("Need 0x%x contiguous blocks\n", blks_to_alloc);
For Example:
[root@Leipzig]# gcc -o block_calc block_calc.c
[root@Leipzig]# ./block_calc
Need 0x7a2 contiguous blocks
So 1954 contiguous blocks are required. Lets check Free Space Fragmentation for SG7 by running “cvfsck –f”
-- Free Block Fragmentation Analysis - Stripe Group "sg7" --
Pct. (sum) Chunk Size Chunk Count
----------- ---------- -----------
<1% ( <1%) 1 1
<1% ( <1%) 3 1310
<1% ( <1%) 4 1809
<1% ( <1%) 5 968
<1% ( 69%) 552 1
<1% ( 69%) 563 1
<1% ( 69%) 570 1
<1% ( 69%) 576 1
We can see that the MD StripeGroup is heavily fragmented in this case 1954 blocks were required but the largest chunk in "cvfsck -f" was only 576 blocks despite having 67GB free. The excessive fragmentation was traced to the Cutomer workflow frequently creating and deleting directories.
What we learn from this case:
- Adding stripe groups required contiguous metadata space
- MD SG can’t be defragmented ( at least 4.x )
- Use the Source Luke
- Review Steve Coles Debug Rules
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