Resetting Customer SN Connect Password |
Upon initial install the customer obtains a .fw file with a BOM.jason object that details the user info. Ideally the user credentials match the local SN connect login.
If a customer has SMTP access you can create a false user and grant admin rights. Notice we set the reset_key to 'abc'.
connect_db=# INSERT INTO mint_user(first_name,is_admin,is_public_contact,last_name,email,reset_key,timezone,password,created_date,modified_date,role,is_enabled)VALUES('jon','1','1','mcnerny','','abc','America/Denver','abc','2016-03-31 11:51:03-06','2016-03-31 11:51:03-06','customer','1'); INSERT 0 1
Now you can go to
In a GUI and reset the password, which will update the mint_user table with the new passwords HASH.
If the customer doesnt have SMTP access, as seen in this mint.log entry, you can actually use a password hash generated on another system.
###From mint.log showing smtp failure.
04/22/2016 10:36:12.506181 INFO Sending the test mail to was not accepted for delivery by The following From address failed: : MAIL FROM command failed,530,5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. e84sm2789208qhd.26 - gsmtp (send - /var/www/html/connect-1.1.0/common/classes/mailer.class.php:166)
##Local lab system showing password hash for the string 'password'.
22 | | jon | mcnerny | | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2016-04-22 10:22:38-06 |
| America/Denver | 1511bd1883b83850a6493af93d0562bbd6fe26127ce32f551cb19b39ce0d6b57 |
| | 2016-04-22 10:49:45-06 | | 22 | 2016-03-31 11:51:03-06 | 2016-04-22 10:22:38-06 | customer
##Insert command to force customer login of to 'password'.
psql -d connect_db -c "INSERT INTO mint_user(first_name,is_admin,is_public_contact,last_name,primary_phone_number,email,timezone,password,created_date,modified_date,role,is_enabled)VALUES('Kevin','1','1','Ritchie','(215) 995-2110','','America\/New York',' 1511bd1883b83850a6493af93d0562bbd6fe26127ce32f551cb19b39ce0d6b57','2016-03-31 11:51:03-06','2016-03-31 11:51:03-06','customer','1');"
The customer should be able to login and manage the SNconnect system now.
The whole insert isn't needed, modifying the current entry is much less intrusive.
If there’s only 1 user:
update mint_user
set password = '1511bd1883b83850a6493af93d0562bbd6fe26127ce32f551cb19b39ce0d6b57';
if there’s multiple user’s and you’re only wanting to reset one:
update mint_user
set password = '1511bd1883b83850a6493af93d0562bbd6fe26127ce32f551cb19b39ce0d6b57'
where email = ‘’;
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