Recovering the S3 Bucket Owner on Lattus (DRAFT)


In the event that the StorNext database is available and in tact, and the backups need to be retrieved and the S3 StorNext bucket owner password is not recoverable in the event it is lost, it will need to be recovered. The S3 StorNext bucket owner password is needed so the data that exists in the S3 bucket on Lattus can be recovered.


If the StorNext database is in tact, the existing password can be retrieved from StorNext as root:


mysql> select *
-> from;
| AssocTableName | AssocTableNdx | Username | Password   |
| Cfgdir                     |                         5 | s3admin     | s3passw0rd|
1 row in set (0.00 sec)



[root@node-1.node-1 stornext]# mysql

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

Your MySQL connection id is 941566

Server version: 5.6.24-72.2-log Source distribution



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Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.



mysql> select *

    -> from;


| AssocTableName | AssocTableNdx | Username | Password |
| Cfgdir         |             2 | admin     | admin     |
| Mediadir       |             2 | admin     | admin     |
| Mediadir       |             3 | stornext1 | St0rnext! |
| Mediadir       |             4 | stornext1 | St0rnext! |
| Mediadir       |             5 | gpr       | password |
| Mediadir       |             6 | prill     | password |
| Mediadir       |             7 | prill2    | password |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> exit





[root@node-1.node-1 stornext]# mysql -e "select * from;"
| AssocTableName | AssocTableNdx | Username | Password |
| Cfgdir         |             2 | admin     | admin     |
| Mediadir       |             2 | admin     | admin     |            
| Mediadir       |             3 | stornext1 | St0rnext! |
| Mediadir       |             4 | stornext1 | St0rnext! |    
| Mediadir       |             5 | gpr       | password |    
| Mediadir       |             6 | prill     | password |
| Mediadir       |             7 | prill2    | password |    
[root@node-1.node-1 stornext]#


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