Quantum Troubleshooting Tools and Resources


Quantum employees have many troubleshooting tools and resources at their disposal. Some tools are new, such as QUEST, and some have been around for quite awhile, such as CSWeb. This page contains information about these tools and provides examples of when to use them  for troubleshooting. Click any of the following links for more information about the tool or resource:


This information is also available in the Troubleshooting Tools Reference Get Adobe reader document, which you can download or print to keep for future reference.



QUEST (QUantum Enterprise Search Tool) is an integrated search engine that lets you search for information in many different locations, including the Knowledge Base, CSWeb, Oracle, Quantum.com, Service Requests, and the Installed Base (IB). If you are not sure where to start looking for a specific document or topic, QUEST is the best place to start, because of its broad search capabilities.


QUEST is available only to employees inside the Quantum firewall.


Examples of When to Use QUEST


Use QUEST to:


Watch the following videos to get an overview of QUEST, and to learn how to use its advanced search features (requires QuickTime Link will open in new window.) :


Access QUEST


To access QUEST, open a Web browser and go to http://quest Link will open in new window..



The CSWeb site (Customer Service Web site) provides resources for all aspects of service and support. It contains software and firmware downloads, documentation, and other resources and utilities for all Quantum products. It also contains resources on technology, backup software, best practices, and operating systems.


Examples of When to Use CSWeb


Use CSWeb to:


Access CSWeb

To log in to CSWeb, or to register as a new user, go to http://csweb.quantum.com Link will open in new window..



Oracle is a comprehensive database that includes information about all Quantum products in the field.  


Examples of When to Use Oracle


Use Oracle to:


Access Oracle

To access Oracle, go to the Oracle Login Link will open in new window. page.


Knowledge Base

The Knowledge Base (KB) contains articles on Quantum products, such as best practices and workarounds, along with information on technology, operating systems, backup software, and many other items. It includes content from many different groups, such as Global Service, Engineering, Sales, and Marketing. The content in the Knowledge Base is available to all Quantum employees, with a subset of information available to customers and partner service providers. Knowledge Base articles typically address a single, specific topic or problem.


Any Quantum employee can search for content in the Knowledge Base or submit an idea for a Knowledge Base article.


Review the Knowledge Base PowerPoint File presentation for more information.


Examples of When to Use the Knowledge Base


Use the Knowledge Base to search for:


Access the Knowledge Base


To access the Knowledge Base Employee portal, go to http://qsupport.quantum.com/kb/ Link will open in new window.. 


StorageCare Learning

StorageCare Learning is Quantum's online learning portal and is available to customers, partners, and Quantum employees. Courses in StorageCare Learning are typically targeted to Quantum products, services, and processes and typically follow the product release process. Content found in StorageCare Learning is created by a small team of instructional designers in conjunction with Quantum product experts. The information in these courses is stable, release-specific, and vetted by Quantum program management and New Product Implementation (NPI) teams. When there is a new release of a product, go to StorageCare Learning for your training needs.


Examples of When to Use StorageCare Learning


Use StorageCare Learning to:


Access StorageCare Learning


Go to www.quantum.com/storagecarelearning Link will open in new window. to log on, view courses, and register for courses. Features include online courses available 24/7, classroom course registration, a personalized training calendar, learning transcripts, and printable certificates for successful course completion. For questions, comments, or problems with StorageCare Learning, send an e-mail to learningadmin@quantum.com.  



Qwikipedia is a Quantum ecosystem and troubleshooting resource and is available only to Quantum employees.  It is administered by the StorageCare Learning team and provides learning and resources specific to the storage ecosystem (operating systems, backup applications, switches, HBAs, etc), and advanced troubleshooting. 


Content in Qwikipedia can be authored by any member with authoring privileges and can be updated on the fly, so the content is dynamic and changes often. It is more flexible and transparent than StorageCare Learning and allows anyone with content expertise to contribute. All the information in Qwikipedia is accessible at any time, and there are no courses to register for or assessments to take. Simply log in and access everything on the site. 


Review the short What is Qwikipedia? PowerPoint File presentation for additional information.


Examples of When to Use Qwikipedia


Use Qwikipedia to:


Access Qwikipedia

To request a login, send an e-mail to qwikipedia@quantum.com, then log on to www.quantum.com/qwikipedia Link will open in new window..


Additional Resources

Some additional tools and resources that can be used to perform troubleshooting include:



What's Next?

Troubleshooting Summary >



Since the link does still work, I'm leaving it for now. I will investigate the invalid cert, though.

Note by Tom Sajbel on 02/15/2011 02:20 PM

Great page!


Found one minor problem:


This link has an invalid certificate, but you can still click through to it.

Note by Ed Winograd on 02/14/2011 06:23 PM

Incorporated your comments into the SCL and QUEST sections. I need to follow up with you regarding your Bugzilla and KB comments.

Note by Tom Sajbel on 02/10/2011 07:08 PM


  • Bugzilla: Engineering database that contains known bugs (both fixed and pending) and other product change requests.


actually, there are multiple databases -- Automation, Software (StorNext) and Disk (DXi).  there is another based in Adelaide, too.

Note by John McKiernan on 02/10/2011 05:23 PM


Examples of When to Use StorageCare Learning

Use StorageCare Learning to:

  • View course catalog and scheduled instructor-led classroom training.
  • Register for online, self-paced courses, instructor-led classroom training, and virtual classroom training about Quantum products, services, and processes.

of course, the main reason for Using SCL is to take courses.

Note by John McKiernan on 02/10/2011 05:20 PM

KB -- the reference to

Review the Knowledge Base (PPS) presentation for more information.


points to something that will need to be updated. 

Note by John McKiernan on 02/10/2011 05:19 PM

QUEST - one cool thing is that the tool can SAVE defined filters and queries, if there is going to be a repetitive search.



Note by John McKiernan on 02/10/2011 04:59 PM


1.  the location http://quest/

will allow access for those who are inside the Quantum firewall ... as of 10-Feb-2011, we do not have capability for those outside the firewall to access the content.

Note by John McKiernan on 02/10/2011 04:56 PM
Note by Tim Herbst on 02/10/2011 02:06 PM

Tim, thanks for your note on CSWeb content. I've incorporated your suggestions into the section.

Note by Tom Sajbel on 01/30/2011 01:11 PM

Tim, Thanks for the information on Oracle. I added your suggested content to the Oracle section. I think we also could use a more detailed description of Oracle. Do you know if there's a presenatation or description of Oracle available anywhere, such as in a PPT presenation?

Note by Tom Sajbel on 01/30/2011 12:57 PM

Thanks for adding information on the ECLT, Allan. As we talked about on Thursday, I created a sub topic for the ECLT and linked to it from the CSWeb information.

Note by Tom Sajbel on 01/30/2011 12:31 PM

Error Code Lookup Tool


Ransom: Added this section to introduce the ECLT as it is one of the most useful tools in troubleshooting drive problems.

Note by Allan Ransom on 01/27/2011 04:22 PM


Herbst:  Oracle can be used to look for similar or identical problems that other customers have experienced and leverage the resolution from that previous case.  Oracle can also be used to spot trends and/or ongoing problems within a specific customers account.  Oracle is used a lot by Quality to quantify problems and look for potential product improvements.

Note by Tim Herbst on 01/27/2011 03:56 PM


Herbst:  Add Lookup Library Error Codes, View Repair Pages, View Videos on how to remove/replace common parts, Determine FRU Part Numbers

Note by Tim Herbst on 01/27/2011 03:53 PM

Herbst:  Some additional tools...


StorageCare Guardian

     Software that when loaded allows Quantum to proactively collect logs and monitor product performance.



      Engineering database that contains known bugs (both fixed and pending) and other product change requests.


Service NPI pages

      Documents support procedures and initial product launch information


Quantum Drive Error Code Lookup

     Allows lookup of drive error codes and contains recommended actions



    Contains Product part information, process and test documentation and results.

Note by Tim Herbst on 01/27/2011 03:50 PM
Title Last Updated Updated By
Troubleshooting Tools Reference Document
03/02/2011 12:15 PM Tom Sajbel
Knowledge Base Presentation
02/25/2011 02:27 PM Tom McFaul
QUEST Introduction and Overview
02/25/2011 02:27 PM Tom McFaul
QUEST Advanced Features Video
02/25/2011 02:27 PM Tom McFaul

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