Welcome to the new product launch for Quattro!
Since it's a new product, there may be some FYIs, reminders, or issues that come up at launch and this will be the page where I will communicate those issues as Service, Engineering, and Failure Analysis notifies me of them. The goal is that if we hit 5x of the same problem, we don't have to figure out the issue 5x times but rather figure it out once and everybody else will read this page and benefit from the lesson learned.
michael krasilinec
Differences between i3 and i6
- i3
- Up to 3PB in 12U of rack space
- Up to 200 slots
- Up to 12x drives
- HH drives only
- FC and SAS options
- i6
- Up to 12PB within a single rack
- Up to 800 slots
- Up to 24x drives
- FH drives only
- FC option only (no SAS)
- EDLM available
- Further details in the recorded i3 & i6 TOI
- Note that there is also an i3 6U (aka i3+, or an i3 pre-built w/ a cable spool and EM). Not sure if you have an i6 or an i3 6U?
- Via the Serial Number: Find the LCD on the front. Eject the magazine to the right and you'll see the SN. If the SN starts with F5 it's an i3, and FF it's an i6
- From the front: Find the LCD panel and determine if it is on a short (3U) CM for i3 or a taller (6U) CM
- From the rear: Check if you see drive studs (to prevent a FH drive from being inserted). If drive studs are present, you have an i3
FYI's for Service
Drive/Drive Sleds
- Drive sleds: In addition to the thumbscrew on the right, drive sleds have a locking latch on the left side. Thus, if a drive seems "stuck" and can't be removed, remember to push and hold up on the lever to unlock the drive to remove it.
- Drives: At launch, there isn't an elegant solution to eject a stuck tape. The best option right now is to remove the magazine and reach through (this library is longer than other libraries) to press the eject button. A software solution is being worked with IBM and will be implemented in the future.
- The SAS port of the IBM LTO 6&7 HH drive is mini SAS-HD 8644
Firmware Related
- FRU Image
- To ensure the latest FW is loaded during library installation/setup, the Scalar i3 & i6 ship with a FRU image. As such, a just received library has very, very minimal functionality until the latest FW is loaded.
- Firmware for off-line & dark sites
- The on-line Documentation Center (www.quantum.com/documentation, then select i3 or i6) gets updated when new information is available. As such, it's always a good idea to download the latest off-line version if you are visiting a site and won't have Internet. At the beginning of January, an important update was added for off-line sites which will guide you through the setup if you encounter the following
- How does an off-line / dark customer get notified when future FW is available?
- A customer can check Quantum.com > Support > Download Software and Firmware
- Or
- They can register their product and be notified via e-mail (note: Krasilinec is investigating if this registeration is method is still supported)
- To increase the library tape density footprint, the Scalar i3 or i6 is longer (36.4” (924.5 mm)) than "normal" libraries! Customers have been surprised by the extra depth so it's recommended you make this clear to them in any planning talks.
- Library CM Serial Number location: Find the LCD panel on the front of the library. Eject the magazine to the right and you'll see the SN. If the SN starts with F5 it's an i3, and FF it's an i6
- The LUI functionality is intentionally minimal. Some functionality on the small touchscreen is present, but we strongly encourage a customer use the web/remote GUI.
- Suggested responses (aka "official wording") IF...
- ... you get an inquiry about the robot pausing during operation
- Duty-cycle management is a common technique to manage the useful life and reliability of components and systems. Quantum’s Scalar i3 and i6 libraries employ duty-cycle management to optimize both the performance and the useful life of the library robot. The pauses are part of this duty-cycle management.
- ... you get an asked about pausing specifically during import/export
- Many of our customers prefer to simply pull the magazine out of the library and swap tapes. Pulling out the magazine in this manner actually makes imports/exports easier and faster because the export and import can be done at the same time and there is no application interaction or robot moves required.
Installation Feedback
Configuration Related
- Michael Gelf tried to setup the time in 24-hour format on his Bundesministerium Fuer Bilding Und Forschung install and noticed the option was disabled.

- This is a bug and will be fixed in i2 (currently targeted end of CQ1'17)
- Bug 55289 - RUI: 24 Hour Clock format is not active for Date/Time setting
Robot Related
- Christian Markwort's Case #312759 encountered an ET025 due to the amber X-cable flex (i.e. orange right triangle flex) located on the y-tray was folded up and interferring with robot movement. Please see the ECLT entry for ET025 for more details.
- The amber X-cable being refered to is the one marked w/ the "Do Not Remove" note on the Documentation Center installation picture below