QX QX-S Stornext Shutdown/Restart Procedure for Array Maintenance |
Hardware Power Down Sequence:
Note: You can also choose to completely shut the nodes down by issuing : "shutdown -h now"
instead of "service cvfs stop".
1. Ensure you have a successful Stornext backup:
Run snbackup from command line or run backup from the GUI.
2. Login into the secondary MDC through a SSH session, and make sure it is secondary by running the command :
Stop Stornext on secondary MDC node 2 : service cvfs stop
# snhamgr status
You should get this :
Now proceed to stop Stornext on the system :
# service cvfs stop
3. Stop Stornext on primary MDC node 1: service cvfs stop
Login into the primary MDC through a SSH session, and make sure it is primary by running the command :
# snhamgr status
You should get this :
Now proceed to stop Stornext on the system :
# service cvfs stop
4. power down storagearray QXS-1200 controller (enclosure 0) :
5. power down QXS-1200 expansion units (enclosure 1, 2 etc)
6. power down both MDCs. (optional)
Hardware Power Up Sequence:
Power up ; make sure to power up the expansion unit first.
1. power up QXS-1200 expansion unit (enclosure 1, 2 etc) Wait 60secs b/w each power up
2. power up QXS-1200 controller (enclosure 0) Wait 60secs b/w power up
3. power up MDC1 or issue "service cvfs start" Stornext should automatically start
4. Wait til MDC1 is fully powered up, and then power up MDC 2 or "service cvfs start"
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