Performance Issues (DRAFT)



This topic provides methodolies for identifying and resolving performance issues on a DXi7500 and for NAS-related issues.



Main topics include:


DXi7500 Performance Issues 


NAS-Related Performance Issues




It's importnat that you are familiar with DXi Advanced Reporting, so here are some resources:

  • DXi Advanced Reporting Service Training (2-2412 Online Self-Paced)
  • DXi Advanced Reporting Hands-on Practice (3-2436 Online Self-paced)

Note: You can complete the lab activities in this course without registering for the course. However, you will not get an opportunity to ask a DXi instructor questions about the lab activities or earn credit for the course by completing a final assessment.


What's Next?

 Methodolgy for a DXi7500 >






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