Panshell is the command line interface for vmPRO. The panshell is accessible through the appliance console (VM console) or through SSH connection. Panshell has a lot of commands for configuring or modifying vmPRO appliance. It is the only tool used in configuring the two “integrated” backup client applications supported by vmPRO: NetWorker and TSM. Integrated as used here means that these two backup applications can be installed inside the vmPRO appliance and have command options that can be run from the panshell.
You can see a list of available commands by typing “help” at the panshell console for example:
quantum:localhost> help
The following commands are available:
Type 'help <cmd>' for more information.
Typing ‘help <cmd>’ will provide additional information for the command, as shown below:
quantum:localhost> help nw
Showing commands that start with 'nw':
nw install
nw uninstall
nw edit servers file
nw set nsrports <number of ports
nw show nsrports
nw enable
nw disable
nw restart
nw status
nw save <save arguments>
nw mminfo <mminfo arguments>
nw recover <recover arguments>
In addition to the commands displayed through 'help', there are two hidden commands, 'shell-escape' and 'reg'.
The 'shell-escape' command will exit panshell and drop you into a bash shell as root; shell-escape is used at the direction of engineering for specific troubleshooting purpose. The 'reg' command is used for displaying, setting, and deleting registry values.
The following section provides a description of all commands:
- autosupport send logs [<email-address>]
Email support package.
- autosupport upload logs [nocreate]
Upload support package to support site. Nocreate flag will not try to create a support package first.
- autosupport upload report
- autosupport set daily-upload-packages on|off
- cbt reset [all | <hypervisor> <vm name> | folder <folder>]
Reset changed block tracking
- import edit <cfg-file>
Edit .cfg file.
- import list
List all files in /import
- import mkdir <directory-name>
Create a directory under /import.
- import rmdir <directory-name>
Remove a directory under /import.
- import show errors [<directory-name>]
Show all errors in /import
- smartmotion abort [<policy name>]
Abort a backup
- smartmotion backup [<policy name>]
Start a backup
- smartmotion show policy [<policy name>]
Show SmartMotion Policy
- smartmotion status [<policy name>]
Show backup status
- smartmotion sync
Start a backup of the default policy
- config set date MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM[:SS]
Set the system date and time.
- config set timezone <timezone>
Set the timezone
- config create https-certificate
Create a new HTTPS SSL certificate.
- filesys find <search-term> | vmx | vmdk
Search for a file or directory by name.
- filesys list [<export-path>]
List the contents of a filesystem directory.
- group create master
Set this appliance as the master of the group
- group join <master>
Join the group headed by <master>
- group leave
Leave a group
- group status
Print if appliance is part of a group
- group update master <master>
Update master hostname
- log list
List all log files.
- log search <phrase>
Search all log files for a phrase.
- log view <log-file>
Interactively view log-file contents.
- log watch <log-file>
Continually watch log-file for new messages.
- msm join <hostname>
Join a Multi-Site Monitor server.
- msm delete client <hostname>
- msm reset
Stop being part of a multi-site monitor
- msm set master
Make this machine a master.
- msm status
Display Multi-Site Monitor status.
- nagios enable
Turn on Nagios plugin support
- nagios disable
Turn off Nagios plugin support
- nagios status
Show Nagios status
- net hosts add <ipaddr> <host-list>
Associate an IP address with a hostname (/etc/hosts)
- net hosts del <ipaddr>
Remove a host list entry
- net hosts show
Show hosts list
- net hosts reset
Clear the hosts list
- net nslookup <hostname | ipaddr>
Perform DNS and reverse DNS lookups
- net ping <host>
Ping a host.
- net reset
Reset network service
- net set hostname <hostname>
Set the appliance hostname.
- net show config [all]
Show network configuration.
- net show dhcp
- net show hostname
Show the system hostname.
- net show routes
Show the routing table.
- net show status
Show network status.
- net tcpdump start [<tcpdump argument> ...]
Starts running a tcpdump command until 'net tcpdump stop' is called.
- net tcpdump stop
Stops a previous 'net tcpdump start' command.
- nw install
Runs TSM install script provided by pancetera-integ-networker RPM. Customer must install this RPM first.
- nw uninstall
Uninstall networker
- nw edit servers file
Edit networker server file.
- nw set nsrports <number of ports>
Set number of networker's nsr ports. The port starts from 7937.
- nw show nsrports
show networker's nsr ports setting
- nw enable
start networker agent if it is not already running
- nw disable
stop networker agent if it is running
- nw restart
restart networker agent
- nw status
show 'service networker status' and "netstat -nlp | grep nsrexecd"
- nw save <save arguments>|
"/usr/bin/save <save command's arguments>"
- nw mminfo <mminfo arguments>
"/usr/sbin/mminfo <mminfo command's arguments>"
- nw recover <recover arguments>
"/usr/bin/recover <recover command's arguments>"
- ntp add <server>
Add a server to the NTP server list.
- ntp del <server>
Delete a server from the NTP server list.
- ntp enable
Turn on NTP.
- ntp disable
Turn off NTP.
- ntp show
Turn off NTP.
- ntp sync
Synchronize the system time with the NTP servers
- ntp reset
Reset to factory defaults.
- reg removekey <key>
Delete the value for a registry key.
- reg set <key> [=] <value>
Set a registry key to a new value.
- reg show [nokey] {<key> [<key> ...] | all}
List registry key and value.
- reg reset <key>
Reset a registry key to the default value.
- snmp enable
Turn on SNMP
- snmp disable
Turn off SNMP
- snmp status
Show SNMP status.
- snmp set rocommunity <community string>
Set the read-only community string for SNMP
- snmp reset rocommunity
Resets the read-only community to 'public' for SNMP
- ssh enable
Enable SSH access
- ssh disable
Disable SSH access
- ssh status
Show status of SSH
- system reboot
Reboot the system.
- system reset data
Reset Unite discovery data
- system restart services [all]
Restart services
- system status [all]
Show various service statuses
- system show date
Show the current system date and time.
- system show version [detail|all]
Show the version of software installed in the system.
- system show uptime
Show how long the system has been running.
- system shutdown
Shutdown the system.
- system upgrade
- tsm install
Runs TSM install script provided by pancetera-integ-tsm RPM. Customer must install this RPM first.
- tsm edit dsmsys
Edit TSM dsm.sys file.
- tsm edit dsmopt
Edit TSM dsm.opt file.
- tsm dsmc
Run TSM dsmc command.
- tsm enable
- tsm disable
- tsm status
View TSM status.
- tsm restart
- vss query
Get a list of all VMs waiting for VSS backup complete
- vss backup complete [query | all | <vm uuid>]
Send the backup complete command to VSS enabled VMs to trigger log truncation
- vss backup fail [query | all | <vm uuid>]
Complete the backup for VSS enabled VMs, but don't trigger log truncation
- ifconfig
alias for 'net show config'
- ipconfig
alias for 'net show config'
- ping
alias for 'net ping'
What's Next?
vmPRO File Systems >