
This topic addresses issues identified with DXi Application Specific Path-to-Tape (PTT) functionality.  It does not identify issues with OST Direct to Tape. The topic guides you through a process to collect the required logs, locate errors  with in the logs, and assist in the identification of root cause to some common issues.   



SR Information:  The SRs included in the list exclude any SR related to OST PTT, that topic will be covered in a seperate methodology.


Product / Software Version: DXi6700, DXi7500, and DXi8500 / DXi 1.x and 2.x software


Problem Description: Customer reported a performance issue. The documented example shows an improper configuration.




Main Topics include:



PTT Basics


Configuration Issues


Operational Issues


Information Required for Troubleshooting


Analysis of the Issue


Configuring and Testing PTT with NetBackup (NBU)





What's Next?

PTT Basics >


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