OST and the Plugin (DRAFT)


Always read the plugin's README file, because it gives you hints about ports, and it covers other additional configuration steps. Things can change between on version of the plugin and the next, so you need to check to ensure that the server is correctly configured for the current version of the plugin.


The content of the README file is always:


Some older plugins used a different port for the dm_server/client connection. Always read the information provided very carefully, and modify the services as described in the plugin's README file.


To check the plugin version on the NBU server, use this command:  


To check the plugin version on the BUE server, use this command:  


You will find this information on the version of the plugin that existed when this section was written:


The Windows and Linux plugins are very different from each other. Please keep this in maind as you use these two plugins. 


Look at the configuration files and read the information in them. You can change the DEBUG settings for the logs, but do not use trace, because it will slow the system down. Use DEBUG and then disable it after you have collected the data. In the case of real errors, the logs will be full with WARN and ERROR messages, even without DEBUG enabled.


OstPlugin Config Files and Logs

CONFIG ==  %WINDIR%libstspiQuantum.ini
LOGS   ==  %WINDIR%libstspiQuantum*


CONFIG == /usr/Quantum/QuantumPlugin.conf
LOGS   == /var/log/ost/client

Plugin Configuration Modifications



You can change the logfile size, timeouts, and the log level (only change the log level if instructed to do so):


Log File Logger Options









Changing the I/O Path from Data Mover to Normal NAS /CIFS Protocol (should not be performed!)


; IO_PATH specifies which data transport method to use
; 1 for DM v2
; 2 for NAS
; 3 for DM v1


# DEBUG_LEVEL - Defines the level of logging to enable. The value of
#          this option defines the level of log messages to
#          output. Set it to one of the following.         
#          EMERGENCY                  
#          ALERT
#          CRITICAL                 
#          ERROR     
#          WARNING
#           NOTICE     
#          INFO     
#          DEBUG     
#          Default: ERROR     
# OPDUP_TIMEOUT - Defines timeout of an Optimized Duplication/Copy
#    of an extent in seconds.
#    Default: 180 secs
# BLOCK_SIZE - Defines the preferred block size of OST Plugin for the
#              I/O
#              Default: 262144 bytes
# 1 for DM v2
# 2 for NAS

# 3 for DM v1



------ Some Details ----


**OPDUP_TIMEOUT =   During opt duplication, if we have to wait for a fragment to be deduplicated or unlocked, optimized duplication fails after this # of seconds. On earlier systems running duplication, this required modification, but with the new version of OST Duplication, this should not be needed.

IO_PATH == DM v   == Data mover, a Quantum-owned data transfer technology
                  == NAS  == Either NFS or standard CIFS data transfer method


DM v2  vs DM v1 = DM v2 uses authentication from the server to the DXi system and requieres that a username and password be entered on the DXi. (This is pointed out in the OST Configuration Guides)

What's Next?

Basics of OST Troubleshooting >





 Dave Wharton:

Correction to:

 To check on the NBU Server the Plugin Version use this command:

  • Windows: %install_path%\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpstsinfo -plugininfo
  • Linux: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpstsinfo -plugininfo

Windows: %install_path%\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpstsinfo.exe -plugininfo


Also, make a notation to replace  %install_path% with the drive path to \NetBackup\ etc.

Note by Dave Wharton on 06/10/2011 01:17 PM

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