This section shows and describes the differences between DXi 1.x software and DXi 2.x software as they apply to OST.
CT: Consider adding a text description that highlights the differences, as shown in the figures.
With 1.x Software

With DXi 2.x Software

What's the Same Under 2.x?
Plugin installation is still the same. The DXi ostd server is still used.
What's Different Under 2.x?
- DXi Storage Server user credentials are required for Media Server authentication instead of the Share Access credentials (Configuration > PTT > Backup Application Specific).
- No separate DXi dm_srvr(s) now run within ostd as separate threads.
- DXi ostd and dm both log to same location (tsunami.log).
- OST now uses the replicationd server.
- A “physical” LSU option (all available capacity) is now available. It is automatically sized to available DXi freespace, eliminating the need for multi-LSU spanning.
- DXi memory cache (Pcache) is shared with other protocols (CIFS/NFS).
- Improved performance is availab le: ingest and replication (optimized duplication).
- All ostd data file access is routed through the BPW API.
- OST TCP Ports: 10001 (RPC), 10002 (XCOMM/MI), 3095 (DM1), 3096 (DM2), 3097 (DM3), …
Location of Logging Files
- /var/log/DXi/tsunami.log (ostd/dm)
- /opt/DXi/log-common.conf
- log4cplus.logger.ost = INFO, DEBUG, ALL_APP
- /etc/init.d/log4cplus-server restart
- Plugin log
- /var/log/ostlog/client/ost_client*.log (Unix)
- C:\Windows\libstspiQuantum.log
Commands That Can be Used
- opt/DXi/ostd
- syscli –-add_backup_user --password
- syscli –edit_backup_user --password
Ways to Start / Stop Services
- service ost stop/start/reload/forcestop
- /etc/init.d/ost
- /opt/DXi/ostd –S [#dm servers] –d [debug level] –f (foreground)
Location of OST Configuration Files
- /data/hurricane/conf/OSTStorageSrvrLsu.conf
Best Practices
Avoid multiple LSUs. Select a single "available capacity" LSU.
Use NBU Storage Unit Maximum-Concurrent-Jobs to control the number of active streams.
What's Next?
- If you have come here from within the DXi Advanced Basics section, go to
- If you have come here from within the OST Basics section, go to