Notes for technical support

  1. Trouble with the first DotHill supplied USB drivers
  2. Solution to USB drivers
  3. Setup Guides and references links
  4. The USB driver Release Notes



I’ve recently been exposed to newer DotHill Controllers, specifically the QXS648, where the older USB drives would not recognized the hardware.


Dot Hill finally conceded that there is a newer package and sent it to me via SANsolve case # 117221


Here is the older suite attached:

Here is the newer suite attached::


If someone wanted to reply to all with that USB cable part number that would really round out this article.



And a few resources links:

·        6-68389-01_Rev%20A_QX-QXS_Setup-Guide.pdf  found page 31 of 214

·        reference:






This information is curiously devoid on CSWEB:


… and I plan to mention it in a doc bug.





Here are the contents of the README.txt file:




Name:     Dot Hill Systems Corp. Disk Array USB Port Driver Installer


Version:  1.0.5


Platform: Microsoft Windows Server


Hardware: Dot Hill Storage Array - 3000, 4000, and 5000 Pro series


Table of Contents



1.  Overview

2.  Prerequisites

3.  Installation and Configuration

4.  Known Issues

5.  Uninstall


1. Overview



This README addresses installation of the USB device driver supporting

the Dot Hill Controller Enclosure's USB CLI port. Install the device

driver before using the USB CLI port for the first time.


These instructions assume you have obtained either a ship kit CD or zip file

download containing the USB device driver and README, as documented in the

web-posted setup guide supporting your product. The setup guide location is

provided below for reference.


  The setup guide is available at Dot Hill's Customer Resource Center (CRC)



2. Prerequisites



This software requires one of the following:


    Microsoft Windows Server 2008 or later


These instructions also assume that you have previously installed a terminal

emulator that supports ANSI or VT100 terminal emulation.


3. Installation and Configuration



3.1 Log in to the management computer with administrator credentials.


3.2 Obtain the device driver media (ship kit CD or web zip file download).


    Instructions for ship kit CD media:


    3.2.1 If you are using a CD, insert the disc into the host computer's



          The installer will start automatically if AutoPlay is enabled.

          If Autorun is disabled on your computer, you must navigate to

          the CD's root directory: select "setup.exe" then right-click to

          invoke the context menu, and select "Open."


    3.2.2 Follow the on-screen prompts to complete installation of the driver.


    3.2.3 If the installation succeeds, the installer window will close



    Proceed to Step 3.3 below.


    Instructions for zip file download media:


    3.2.1 Place the downloaded zip file in the desired local directory on

          the host management computer.


    3.2.2 Unzip the contents into the directory.


    3.2.3 Within the directory, open the folder "dothill-usb-driver",

          right-click on setup.exe and select "Open" from the context menu.


    3.2.4 Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the installation.


    3.2.3 If the installation succeeds, the installer window will close



3.3 Attach the management computer to the 3000 Series Controller Enclosure:


    3.3.1 Locate the USB cable that shipped with your product.


    3.3.2 Attach the USB mini 5 male connector to the mini USB port labeled

          "CLI" on Controller A (see Chapter 3, Figure 22 within the setup



    3.3.3 Attach the other end of the cable to the USB port on the

          management computer.


    3.3.4 Power-on the controller enclosure per your product's installation

          instruction sheet.


          The host computer will discover the existence of new USB hardware

          (Device Manager ports) using Windows Plug and Play technology.


    Proceed to Step 3.4 below.


3.4 Accessing the USB CLI Port:


    Once attached to the controller module, with recognition of the USB CLI

    port, the management computer should detect the new USB device: Disk

    Array USB Port. Using the Emulated Serial Port interface, the 3000 Series

    controller presents a single serial port.


    Within the web-posted setup guide, see "Chapter 3 - Connecting Hosts" for

    information about setting network port IP addresses using the CLI.


4. Known Issues



4.1 If a valid digital signature is not detected during installation, Windows

    will display a warning dialog informing you of this fact. You can either

    continue with the installation or stop.  Continuing is normally safe

    since no unsigned driver code will be installed into the kernel.

    Instead, a .INF file is installed which instructs Windows to use a

    signed driver (usbser.sys) that is already bundled with Windows.


4.2 On some operating systems, the Program Compatibility Assistant may

    appear after a successful installation if a previous version of the

    driver has been installed.  Normally, this does not indicate a

    problem with the installation; view the file %SYSTEMROOT%\DPINST.LOG

    to determine if any actual problems exist.


5. Uninstalling the USB Device Driver



From the Windows Control Panel, select "Programs and Features".  Scroll down the list to select "Disk Array USB Port Driver". 

Right-click and choose Uninstall, or double-click this entry, and follow the on-screen prompts to remove the driver. 

When the operation is complete, click "Done" to dismiss and close the Uninstaller.


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