NAS stack reg setting reference page |
This article intends to help Quantum support track and undersand NAS stack reg keys.
Definition and uses:
Bug 59220 - NAS join Active Directory fails when Netbios domain name is different from the DNS domain name
reg set (In version 1.1.0-4460)
Definition and uses:
Used to change global section of the the smb.conf file. See bug
Customer will see this error when running auth config ads commands.
Join/bind to Active Directory fails with error: "net ads join" failed :Failed to join domain: Invalid configuration ("workgroup" set to <dnsDomain> (E-5046) The fix for this bug actually eliminates the need for future releases to require a domain agrument when running 'auth config ads' commands as when the NAS shell calls we now use the 'net ads lookup' to query the netbios name. ##From @@ Root cause explanation The workgroup value in smb.conf for a system bound to Active Directory should be the Netbios name of the domain. auth config ads currently uses the left most section of the fqdn as this value which does not always match the actual Netbios name. Example: DNS fqdn of domain: MGCORP.CO Netbios domain name: MG Syntax for auth config would be something like: G300:spsgw1> auth config ads administrator Please enter the password for user cn=administrator,cn=Users: The command would fail with: "net ads join" failed :Failed to join domain: Invalid configuration ("workgroup" set to '' (E-5046) This shows examples for auth config ads command and has some interesting developer commentary.
Definition and uses:
Used to specify the kerberos encryption types supported when joining a ADS server.
G300:spsgw1> reg show kerberos.enctypes
kerberos.enctypes = 'aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96 aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 rc4-hmac des-cbc-md5 des-cbc-crc
May need to force the encryption type when customers have older Windows AD domain controllers (SEE SR3602712).
reg set nas.share_exclusive 0
Definition and uses:
There is a flag the prevent SMB and NFS on the same directory. If the customer understand that their could be locking issue with accessing the same file with NFS and samba they can set the flag
This will allow you to share the same folder with NFS and Samba.
Bug 65223 - nas.share_exclusive - make it a optional instead of hidden registry entry and print warning when enabling it
Bug 65224 - nas.share_exclusive - should prevent from re-sharing Subfolders from Samba Shares via NFS
Bug 65201 - Document why we do not recommend sharing the same folder with NFS and SMB
set nas.check_state_secs
Definition and uses:
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