NAS Mounting NFS V4 with ACL Security Notes



MDC Configuration

For ACL’s to work over NFS you need to configure the file system Security Model.

·        If you are bound to an Apple Open Directory the Stornext File System Security Model is set to ACL with algorithmic ID Mapping.

o   The correct domain SID must be put in the MDC /usr/cvfs/config directory.

§  This is done by populating the /usr/cvfs/config/domainsid file with the domain sid.


·        This SID can be obtained from the OD server, excluding the user RID

·        If you are bound to an Active Directory the Stornext File System Security Model is set to ACL with winbind ID Mapping.




NAS Configuration:

By default the Quantum NAS cluster only allows NFS connections as NFS V2 and V3.  To enable NFS V2, V3 and V4, in the NAS shell ‘system set nfsv4 yes’ is used.  Note this must be done on all nodes individually in a NAS cluster:

M660:cx-node2> system set nfsv4 yes

NFSv4 successfully enabled only on this node.

Other nodes are unaffected.

With Quantum Xcellis systems you can use the ‘nascluster set nfs-ha yes’ option for NFS HA environments.  This option disables the lower protocol connections (V1,V2,V3) and clients that cannot connection as V4 will be denied access.  This command only need to be run from the NAS cluster master node.  This will override the ‘system set nfsv4’ option regardless if it’s set to ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

BHM:sps-xcellis2> nascluster set nfs-ha yes

To enable NFS-HA, you must unmount all NFS clients from all cluster nodes. Those clients must re-mount via the VIP.

Are you sure you want to enable NFS-HA? (yes/No)? y

A ‘nascluster show’ will confirm if NFS-HA is enabled or disabled.

BHM:sps-xcellis2> nascluster show

NAS Cluster IP:, Master: Yes, SNFS Root: /stornext/collintest, Joined: Yes

Load balancing: Disabled

NFS-HA: Enabled

Master IP:

Nodes: 2

1: (Joined) (MDC-No load balancing)

2: (Joined) (MDC-No load balancing)

If this command is issued on a system that doesn’t support nfs-ha you get this error.

M660:cx-node1> nascluster set nfs-ha yes

NFS-HA is not supported on this version of the operating system.

When mounting MAC NFS clients you need to specify the ‘unsecure’ mount option to mount via Finder.  This is due to the none-super users not having access to ports below 1024.

M660:cx-node2> share change nfs cx-nfs insecure


Waiting for nascluster_share_config_sync to complete on node


Share cx-nfs successfully changed

This command only need issued from the NAS master, even when not using NFS-HA.

M660:cx-node1> share change nfs cx-nfs insecure


Request allowed only from NAS cluster master (E-5063)






Mac NFV4 Clients:

Mac clients will honor ACLs, even if they aren’t displayed.  By default mac nfs mounts, as seen in this section of the mount_nfs man page, noacl is turned on.  This means the ACL’s won’t display from Finder or a ‘ls –le’ command, but still will be honored.

To view ACLs you need to mount with the ‘acl’ option.

spsmac:~ spssupport$ sudo mount -o vers=4,acl /mnt/nfsmnt/


spsmac:~ spssupport$ mount | grep -i nfs on /mnt/nfsmnt (nfs)

spsmac:~ spssupport$ ls -led

drwxr-xr-x+ 24 spssupport  staff  816 Jul 21 09:31 .

 0: group:everyone deny delete

NFSV4 clients can force protocol negotiation using the /etc/nfs.conf file as well as other options.


Mounting from command line (mac):

spsmac:~ spssupport$ sudo mount -o vers=4,resvport,acl /mnt/nfsmnt/


Checking Mount version:

spsmac:~ spssupport$ nfsstat -m
/mnt/nfsmnt from
  -- Original mount options:
     General mount flags: 0x0
     NFS parameters: vers=4,resvport,acl
     File system locations:
       /stornext/collintest/nfs_mount @ (
  -- Current mount parameters:
     General mount flags: 0x4000000 multilabel
     NFS parameters: vers=4.0,tcp,port=2049,hard,nointr,resvport,callback,negnamecache,namedattr,acl,noaclonly,locks,noquota,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,readahead=16,dsize=32768,nordirplus,nodumbtimr,timeo=10,maxgroups=16,acregmin=5,acregmax=60,acdirmin=5,acdirmax=60,nomutejukebox,noephemeral,nonfc,sec=sys
     File system locations:
       /stornext/collintest/nfs_mount @ (
     Status flags: 0x0


Setting up auto mount NFS on mac to Volumes Directory:  


#client configuration

iMac03:bfrsan2 quantumsandbox$ cat /etc/fstab

xcellis-nas:/stornext/bfrsan2/ /../Volumes/bfrsan2 nfs rw,acl,vers=4 0 0


iMac03:bfrsan2 quantumsandbox$ cat /etc/auto_master


# Automounter master map


+auto_master              # Use directory service

/net                     -hosts                  -nobrowse,hidefromfinder,nosuid

/home                          auto_home         -nobrowse,hidefromfinder

/-                         -static

/../Volumes/bfrsan2  -fstab


If you got Finder > Go > Go to Folder and put the /volumes path.


The drive will map.


Then you can drag it over to the favorites section in the Finder sidebar.



I rebooted and the mounts survived





Managing ACLs:

The snacl command is used to manage NFS ACLs from the MDC.  From NFS linux clients you can install the nfs4-acl binary to view ACLs.  The output is a bit cryptic for the ACL.  The man page for nfs4_acl can help translate the ACL.

The nfs4_setacl command isn’t currently supported.  ACL’s should be set only from the MDC.



Manditory NFV4 ports:


[root@sps-xcellis2 ~]# cat /proc/filesystems | grep nfs
nodev   nfsd
nodev   nfs
nodev   nfs4
[root@sps-xcellis2 ~]# rpcinfo -p | egrep "nfs|portmapper|rqoutad|lockd|statd"
    100000    4   tcp    111  portmapper
    100000    3   tcp    111  portmapper
    100000    2   tcp    111  portmapper
    100000    4   udp    111  portmapper
    100000    3   udp    111  portmapper
    100000    2   udp    111  portmapper
    100003    4   tcp   2049  nfs
    100003    4   udp   2049  nfs
    100003    3   tcp   2049  nfs
    100227    3   tcp   2049  nfs_acl
    100003    3   udp   2049  nfs
    100227    3   udp   2049  nfs_acl

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