Manually Creating RAS tickets in Stornext (DRAFT) |
Support can manually generate RAS tickets with either srvclogcli or adminlogcli in Stornext for troubleshooting.
##Version qwiki article is being written against
[root@up logs]# cvversions
File System Server:
Server Revision 4.7.0 Build 36215 Branch branches_4.7.0
Built for Linux 2.6.18-8.el5 x86_64
Created on Fri Aug 16 16:57:36 MDT 2013
Built in /scm/nightly/VM-0-RedHat50AS-26x86-64-SP0/sn/buildinfo
##Location of binaries
[root@up logs]# file /usr/adic/SRVCLOG/bin/srvclogcli
/usr/adic/SRVCLOG/bin/srvclogcli: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, AMD x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped
[root@up logs]# file /usr/adic/SRVCLOG/bin/adminlogcli
/usr/adic/SRVCLOG/bin/adminlogcli: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, AMD x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped
You must specify the required parameters when using the *logcli binaries. Here is the STOUT from the srcvlogcli as an example.
[root@up logs]# srvclogcli
Usage: srvclogcli -f FILE -l LINE -p logPath -r rptFru -j rptFruInst
-v violFru -i violFruInst -q requestId -e event -t timestamp
"detailed error text"
Parameters (and defaults):
-f FILE file name (= UNKNOWN)
-l LINE line number (= 0)
-p logPath srvclog location (= /usr/adic/SRVCLOG/logs/srvcLog)
-r rptFru reporting FRU, required parameter
-j rptFruInst reporting FRU instance (= UNKNOWN)
-v violFru violating FRU, required parameter
-i violFruInst violating FRU instance (= UNKNOWN)
-k violParInst violating Parent FRU instance (= UNKNOWN)
-q requestId request ID, optional parameter
-e event event identifer, required parameter
-t timestamp timestamp in time(2) format (= Now)
"required detailed error text"
Example: srvclogcli -f myScript -r SL_FRU_SP -v SL_FRU_SNA_FCB_FW
-i sna1blade1 -e SL_EVT_WRONG_FW_LEVEL
"Wrong firmware level on FC blade: sna1blade1"
At minimum you will need to provide the following arguments to generate a RAS manually.
violFru - This is the violating FRU. This can be the same as the reporting FRU (rptFru). This argument exists should one component be monitoring another that fails.
rptFru - This is the reporting FRU.
event - This is the event of the RAS being reported.
You can reference the voilFru and the rptFru from the mysql database named vdb.
#To enter the database.
'mysql vdb'
#To only see fru names from the sl_fru_generic table.
'select FRU_NAME from SL_FRU_GENERIC;'
When using srvlog/adminlog cli commands you can make reference the snfs_ras man page to find valid strings that can be used for
this argument. Also the vdb can be reference from the sl_event_generic table.
Example Command:
#The enter the database.
'mysql vdb'
#To view everything in the sl_event_generic table.
select * from sl_event_generic;
Here is an example of the srvclogcli specifying the reporting FRU (-r) as 'SL_FRU_SP' and the violating FRU (-v) SL_EVT_SYS_RES_WARN as a SL_EVT_SYS_RES_WARN event with a message of "Jon testing RAS".
srvclogcli -r SL_FRU_SP -v SL_EVT_SYS_RES_WARN -e SL_EVT_SYS_RES_WARN "Jon Testing RAS"
This will generate a RAS ticket in the Stornext MDC GUI as well as send a email event to the recipients set for this level warning. This can be particularly
helpful if you want to generate a RAS ticket for the customer with out actually inflicting an error.
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