Log Reading

Scalar i2000/i6000 Log Reading


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When RAS doesn’t provide the information you need to solve SRs, logs typically help determine the problem. Use the information on these pages, as well as the  Advanced Scalar i2000 Field Service (2-0326 Online Self-Paced) course found in StorageCare Learning Link will open in new window. to identify when and how to capture logs, analyze them, and format them for engineering escalations.


Main topics include:


Getting Started


Blades and Connectivity


Drives and Media



Contributors Contributors

Bill Allen, Dale Britton, Jim Grunwald, Eric Platt, Eric Sherwood, Jeff Trongaard, Quantum Engineering


Designer/Facilitator: Tom McFaul

Downloads Downloads


Prerequisites Prerequisites
  • Scalar i2000 Field Service  (2-0309 Online Self-paced)
  • Scalar i2000 Field Service  (2-0302 Classroom)
  • Advanced Scalar i2000 Field Service (2-0326 Online Self-Paced)
  • Scalar i2000/i6000 i8 Service Update (2-0378 Online Self-Paced)
  • Scalar i6000 Engineering Knowledge Transfer (2-0379 Recorded Presentation)
Available in StorageCare Learning

Is there another video tutorial you'd like to see? Let us know by clicking the Notes tab. Discussion

Click the Notes tab at the top of the page to join the discussion.




The information found on these pages is meant to supplement the information found in the Advanced Scalar i2000 Field Service (2-0326 Online Self-Paced) course found in StorageCare Learning Link will open in new window. (see the full course description). Complete that course first to understand the fundamentals of RAS tickets and snapshot files and then apply that knowledge in real-world troubleshooting scenarios. Once you've completed that course, use the information found here to review, supplement, and reinforce your knowledge and skills. 


Use the hyperlink below, and the corresponding hyperlinks under the What's Next headings on each page, to move through all of the Scalar i2000/i6000 Log Reading content sequentially.

Assessments in StorageCare Learning

There are a number of assessments in StorageCare Learning Link will open in new window. that correspond with this content. Work with your manager to determine if you should take these assessments:


  • Scalar i2000/i6000 Blades and Connectivity Log Reading Assessment (A-3-2324)
  • Scalar i2000/i6000 Drives and Media Log Reading Assessment (A-3-2325)
  • Scalar i2000/i6000 General Log Reading Assessment (A-3-2326)
  • Scalar i2000/i6000 Robotics Log Reading Assessment (A-3-2327)
  • Scalar i2000/i6000 General Troubleshooting Log Reading Assessment (A-3-2328)
  • Scalar i2000/i6000 Installation and Configuration Log Reading Assessment (A-3-2329)

What's Next?

Getting Started >




Additional Resources

Usage Tips and Tricks

  • Is there another video tutorial you'd like to see? Let us know by clicking the Notes tab. Balloon icons are used to solicit user feedback, so when you see one, join the discussion. Use the Notes tab at the top of the page to leave a comment or ask a question.
  • Use the hyperlinks under the What's Next headings to move through this content, just like an online course.
  • Bookmark this page and return to it whenever you want to reference the resources listed on the right.

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Advanced Scalar i2000 Field Service Course Description

The Advanced Scalar i2000 Field Service Course found in StorageCare Learning Link will open in new window. takes approximately three hours to complete and emphasizes the importance of reading RAS ticket data thoroughly before capturing and analyzing a snapshot in troubleshooting Scalar i2000 problems. It describes in detail the rasDumpOutput, rcs_snapshot.log, and supportDump.log files, which are three of the most commonly used snapshot files in troubleshooting.  This course also describes auxiliary snapshot files that are useful in identifying specific component and library information. Finally, there are some decision tree scenarios that provide opportunities for applying your log reading and troubleshooting skills.


Search for course 2-0326 in StorageCare Learning Link will open in new window. to register.



Questions, comments, feedback:


Email too slow? Call Tom McFaul’s cell,

303-324-1251, US M.S.T. (GMT-7)


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This content is created by Quantum employees, but the software is powered by BrainKeeper. Visit the BrainKeeper website Link will open in new window. to learn more about the features this wiki has to offer.


Or contact Tom McFaul to schedule a demo.

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 Thanks for the kudos Rodger and let us know if there's anything else that you'd like to see or additional resources that would help.

Note by Tom McFaul on 08/06/2010 05:49 PM

I like the way the training video is on the same page so you dont have to move off the page to find it and you can go back using your browser to the begining.

i also liked the course this referances on the training site.

Note by Rodger Myers on 08/06/2010 10:49 AM

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