Locating Truncation Issues


If you suspect truncation issues, search for TRUNCATION in the tsunami log.


Note: If you regularly see truncation in an hour or less, the DXi system is too small.


Truncation Information in tsunami.log

From the diagnostics file:
grep TRUNCATION scratch/collect/node1-collection/app-info/tsunami.log


From the system:
grep TRUNCATION /var/log/DXi/tsunami.log




WARN - 05/13/09-11:06:45 - dedupd dedup.cpp(1599) [/opt/DXi/dedupd]
start_trunc_event_handler() - Received SM_START_TRUNCATION_EVENT !!
WARN - 05/13/09-14:29:57 - dedupd dedup.cpp(1615) [/opt/DXi/dedupd]
stop_trunc_event_handler() - Received SM_STOP_TRUNCATION_EVENT !!


What does this example output tell you?


This example shows that the customer reached the Truncation level at 11:06:45 and came out of truncation at 14:29:57. Use this information when looking at ingest, blockpool, deduplication, and bpgc performance issues, and whem performing troubleshooting.


Truncation Information in adminLog.hist

From the diagnostics file:
grep Truncate


From the system:
grep Truncate /usr/adic/SRVCLOG/logs/adminLog.hist




May 13 14:29:57 2009 102 1913258518 SpaceManagementDaemon <subject_line>Space Management: Cleared Immediate Truncate Mode</subject_line><email_body>The system is not currently truncating original files after de-duplication. The system freespace is under the truncation threshold.</email_body>


What does this example output tell you?


The message output pretty much says it all. The DXi system is no longer truncating original files, and has resumed normal disk space mode.


Right after the above admin alert, you will see:


SpaceManagementDaemon <subject_line>Space Management: Resumed Normal Disk Space Mode</subject_line><email_body>The system is not currently truncating original files after de-duplication. The system freespace is under the truncation threshold.</email_body> 

What's Next?

Locating Replication Issues >



After talking with a few team members, I edited the section.

Note by Charlotte Taylor on 02/28/2011 03:06 PM


May 13 14:29:57 2009 102 1913258518 SpaceManagementDaemon <subject_line>Space
Management: Cleared Immediate Truncate Mode</subject_line><email_body>The system is not
currently truncating original files after de-duplication. The system freespace is under
the truncation threshold.</email_body>


What does this example output tell you?


The system was short of space previously and entered emergency (immediate) truncation mode ?? (Cant be 100% sure wothout rest of log but assume the worst.) this was successful in bringing the system free space back down below the high watermark.

Note by Keith Hatton on 02/16/2011 08:39 AM

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