Linux Help: Creating 'For' and 'While' loops



Sometimes you need to run a command multiple times on a system or repeat a task over and over.  This is where a 'for' loop will come in handy.  In the article below I will site some examples of useful 'for' loops to make life a little easier.


BE CAREFUL: Make sure to test your command prior to running your loop.  Instead of making one mistake you could make hundreds.



Creating your 'For' loop


Example #1


Say you had a corrupt blob on a target system and wanted to check all the source systems to see if that blob was present.  The long method would be to login to each of the source systems and run the 'ispresent' command to see if it existed.  I will show you how to create a file with the source system IP address and then run a 'for' loop to check each system for that blob.


Create your file for source IPs

# vi /scratch/source_IPs


Test your loop

[root@SES6702DXi55 scratch]# /hurricane/blockpool/bin/blockpool ispresent CA47987E866C62D43AF5F2D1EB47C5E4 +Nlocal@localhost +Nremote/SHA-AES:password@


Run your loop

[root@SES6702DXi55 scratch]# for i in `cat /scratch/source_IPs`; do /hurricane/blockpool/bin/blockpool ispresent CA47987E866C62D43AF5F2D1EB47C5E4 +Nlocal@localhost +Nremote/SHA-AES:password@$i; done



Blockpool Developer V3.8.7 DXi (29-Oct-2013) r48088


Copyright 1992-2013. Quantum Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

DXi, StorNext and Quantum are either trademarks or registered

trademarks of Quantum Corporation in the US and/or other countries.

Protected by US Patent #5,990,810.

Connecting to server ""...

Successfully connected.

The BLOB is present.

BLOB Length (bytes): 1048576.

Reference Count:     1.

Flags:               Full hash|Support non-linear|New stats.

Unique Clusters:     1.

Lowest Cluster:      48.

Highest Cluster:     48.

Total memory malloced was 24298K.


Started at 31-Jan-2014 16:31.19

Ended   at 31-Jan-2014 16:31.19

Running time was 0.01 seconds.

Blockpool Developer V3.8.7 DXi (29-Oct-2013) r48088


Copyright 1992-2013. Quantum Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

DXi, StorNext and Quantum are either trademarks or registered

trademarks of Quantum Corporation in the US and/or other countries.

Protected by US Patent #5,990,810.

Connecting to server ""...

Successfully connected.

The BLOB is NOT present.

Total memory malloced was 24298K.


Started at 31-Jan-2014 16:31.19

Ended   at 31-Jan-2014 16:31.19

Running time was 0.04 seconds.



Example #2

For some reason you want to delete a bunch of tags from blockpool.

Create your file for blockpool tags to delete

# vi /scratch/blockpooltags















# for i in `cat /scratch/blockpooltags`; do /hurricane/blockpool/bin/blockpool delete $i +Nlocal@localhost; done


Example #3

'For' loops can be run against files in the collect log too.  Say you want to find out how many replication trigger requests there are per day.  This is helpful is determining if the TBR queue is catching up or falling more behind on a daily basis.  While ssh'd into SRSCRATCH you can run the following command.  We will grep out  "Got Trigger Message for sharition" from the tsunami.log and we only care about days 1-24 in April.  The command would look like this: 

[emerritt@srscratch:~/active_cases/Wood-Group-1.3.14/scratch/collect/node1-collection]$ for x in {01..24};do echo -ne "Requests for 4/$x:  " && grep "Got Trigger Message for sharition" app-info/tsunami.log*|grep "4/$x"|wc -l;done
Requests for 4/1:  17929
Requests for 4/2:  0
Requests for 4/3:  0
Requests for 4/4:  0
Requests for 4/5:  0
Requests for 4/6:  0
Requests for 4/7:  0

'While' Loops

"while' loops are just a way to repeat a command and walk away.  These don't need much explaination so I will just list some examples.  The "sleep" statement is in seconds.

while true; do SMcli Qarray2a -S -c "show volume [TRAY_85_VOL_7] actionProgress;"; sleep 15; done

while true; do df -k; sleep 60; done

while true; do SMcli -S -c "show volume [TRAY_85_VOL_1] actionProgress;"; SMcli -S -c "show volume [TRAY_85_VOL_2] actionProgress;"; SMcli -S -c "show volume [TRAY_85_VOL_3] actionProgress;"; sleep 15; done





Loops are a great shortcut in supporting the DXi product.  If you can think of other examples of 'for' loops that you want to run and can't figure out the proper syntax, email me and I will try to help out.

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