

Prior to the 3.0 release, vmPRO had two paid licensing models: socket-based licensing and target-based licensing.


In 3.0 software, true capacity-based licensing was implemented and socket-based licensing was discontinued. There are two possible paid license types in 3.0:


In 3.1 software, the following vmPRO paid license types are available:


Target-Based Licensing


This license is a combined SmartMotion and SmartView single-target license sold with DXi models 4510, 4520, and 4601. This model is licensed for one DXi with unrestricted sockets, but limited by the capacity of the DXi.


Capacity-Based Licensing


The Capacity-based licensing with SmartMotion and SmartView combined license is available in 1 TB increments based on the total amount of VM data protected by Quantum vmPRO. The licensed capacity is determined by the sum of the thick-provisioned disk capacity of all VMs being backed up, regardless of the amount of actual data being copied. Quantum vmPRO has an initial licensed capacity of 1 TB unless purchased with additional licensed capacity. 


When a Quantum vmPRO appliance determines that the capacity under protection reaches the warning threshold – default is 90% of the licensed capacity – it will issue warning email messages to Quantum and notify the customer by GUI messages and emails. The warning threshold is user-adjustable.


Licenses for additional capacity are available to customers in 1 TB increments, and are available from the Quantum vmPRO support website: Licenses are customer-installed.


Group Mode Licensing


Group mode licensing streamlines the management of multiple appliances when a single appliance does not provide enough throughput to complete backups in the desired window. This feature allows using a single capacity-based license to distribute backups across a configured group of vmPRO appliances. Once installed, the single license is shared by the group and the capacity of the entire group is managed by the one capacity license.

To take advantage of Group Mode Licensing, customers install multiple vmPRO appliances, designate one as the Master, and then add the other vmPRO appliances as nodes of the Master.


Subscription-Based Licensing


Subscription-based licensing is a licensing method that provides a “valid until canceled” model of use. These licenses are independent of capacity-based licenses.

An example application for subscription-based licensing is a cloud service provider that wants to bill and manage the relationship with a large number of customers on a monthly basis, but doesn’t want to require those customers to manually install time-based licenses every month. This license allows continuous operation until a customer decides to cancel the service, at which time the service provider issues a “cancel” request.

This system of licensing requires secure communication between vmPRO appliances and a the Mosaic license server to verify license status using the vmPRO serial number as authentication.


Free/Trial Licenses


If a customer wants to upgrade from either of the free versions or add capacity they must contact sales and buy a new copy of the software or buy a capacity upgrade.


Other Licensing Considerations


Although multiple license types are available, licensing a single Quantum vmPRO installation with more than one license type (such as both capacity-based and target-based licenses) at the same time is not permitted.

After purchasing a new license or additional licensed capacity, install the licenses using either the Licenses option in the configuration wizard, or click the Get licenses . . . link in the license warning bar, as shown below.







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