Iperf - Perform Network Throughput Tests


This topic covers the iperf tool, including the following information:



Iperf - perform network throughput tests



iperf -s [ options ]

iperf -c server [ options ]

iperf -u -s [ options ]

iperf -u -c server [ options ]



iperf  is a tool for performing network throughput measurements. It can test either TCP or UDP throughput. To perform an iperf test, the user must establish both a server (to discard traffic) and a client (to generate traffic).


General Options

-f, --format


    [kmKM]   format to report: Kbits, Mbits, KBytes, MBytes


-h, --help

    print a help synopsis


-i, --interval n


    pause n seconds between periodic bandwidth reports


-l, --len n[KM]


    set length read/write buffer to n (default 8 KB)


-m, --print_mss

    print TCP maximum segment size (MTU - TCP/IP header)


-o, --output <filename>

    output the report or error message to this specified file


-p, --port n

    set server port to listen on/connect to to n (default 5001)


-u, --udp

    use UDP rather than TCP


-w, --window n[KM]

    TCP window size (socket buffer size)


-B, --bind <host>

    bind to <host>, an interface or multicast address


-C, --compatibility


    for use with older versions does not sent extra msgs


-M, --mss n

    set TCP maximum segment size (MTU - 40 bytes)


-N, --nodelay

    set TCP no delay, disabling Nagle's Algorithm


-v, --version

    print version information and quit


-V, --IPv6Version

    Set the domain to IPv6


-x, --reportexclude

    [CDMSV]   exclude C(connection) D(data) M(multicast) S(settings) V(server) reports


-y, --reportstyle C|c

    if set to C or c report results as CSV (comma separated values)


Server Specific Options

-s, --server

    run in server mode


-U, --single_udp

    run in single threaded UDP mode


-D, --daemon

    run the server as a daemon


Client Specific Options

-b, --bandwidth n[KM]

    set target bandwidth to n bits/sec (default 1 Mbit/sec).  This setting requires UDP (-u).


-c, --client <host>


    run in client mode, connecting to <host>


-d, --dualtest

    Do a bidirectional test simultaneously


-n, --num n[KM]

    number of bytes to transmit (instead of -t)


-r, --tradeoff

    Do a bidirectional test individually


-t, --time n

    time in seconds to transmit for (default 10 secs)


-F, --fileinput <name>

    input the data to be transmitted from a file


-I, --stdin

    input the data to be transmitted from stdin


-L, --listenport n

    port to receive bidirectional tests back on


-P, --parallel n

    number of parallel client threads to run


-T, --ttl n


    time-to-live, for multicast (default 1)


-Z, --linux-congestion <algo>

    set TCP congestion control algorithm (Linux only)





    Controls the size of TCP buffers.



This section needs to be filled in.



Exit statuses are inconsistent.  The threading implementation is rather heinous.



Iperf was originally written by Mark Gates and Alex Warshavsky.  Man page and maintence  by  Jon  Dugan  <jdugan  at x1024  dot  net>.   Other  contributions  from  Ajay  Tirumala,  Jim Ferguson, Feng Qin, Kevin Gibbs, John Estabrook <jestabro at ncsa.uiuc.edu>, Andrew Gallatin <gallatin at gmail.com>, Stephen Hemminger <shemminger at linux-foundation.org>


See Also  


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