Inode Troubleshooting Scenarios (DRAFT) |
This topic contains the following inode troubleshooting scenarios:
SR Information: SR # 1528792
Product / Software Version: (what DXi products / software versions does this apply to? All platforms and sw versions?)
Problem Description: A customer received a "No Space!" message, but the initial troubleshooting performed shows that the system has plenty of space. |
The DXi system's Service History log shows the following information:
Feb 25 12:01:01 2013 8 diskwatch 13 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN 8 65 Affinity Metadata is 99.9 percent full. Storage expansion needed. Ticket creation time: 02/25 12:01:01 EST
The Messages Log shows the following information:
Feb 25 09:12:27 dxi-sec fsm[19737]: StorNext FSS 'vol0[0]': No Space! [alloc.c:4112] [inode 0x0 nblocks 0x8 naffinity 0x0 flags 0x40010 free 0x1a317426]
Using the Df –h command, you can see that the customer's DXi system has plenty of disk space.
Running the /usr/cvfs/bin/cvadmin command from the CLI shows the disks. In the following example, the disk is vol0.
Running the quit command returns you to the bash shell. Then run cvadmin -e show –F nameofvolume to list the strip groups on the volume.
Example: cvadmin -e show -F vol0
In this example, Stripe Group 0 A0_Metadata has only 83.56 MB of the original 63.99 GB free, while the customer still has 27TB of free disk space. Stripe Group A0_Metadata is the partitoned inode space.
It was determined that the customer was using the DXi system as primary storage; they created an NFS share and was using RSYNC to push data to the share.
The problem with drag-and-drop or RSYNC is that all of the little files use up the inodes on the DXi system. This uses all the metadata space while there is still plenty of disk space on the DXi system. The filesystems have a limit to the number of files that can be stored, and because of the way long filenames are stored, they consume more than one of the entries in the limit.
SR Information: Use this section to identify SRs that were used for the content and examples explained in this Methodology.
Product / Software Version: List the products and software versions that this methodology applies to.
Problem Description: Use this section to describe the problem.
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