Importing collect XML files into a virtual DXi GUI DRAFT

There are certain log files that can be helpful in troubleshooting that are obviously XML format.  A good example of this is the UnifedNetwork.conf file.


### -port mappings- 'cat /opt/DXi/theSeer/UnifiedNetwork.conf': see node1-collection/io-info/UnifiedNetwork.conf


If we head this file we can see its xml, although we have a .conf extension.


<?xml version="1.0"?>














If you change the extension from .conf to .xml and view in a text editor the color coding can help read the file as well.


What you may not know is that we can import the file into a virtual DXi(0).


-SCP the file gathered from a collect log (UnifiedNetwork.conf) over to a DXi.


-Killeprocess watcher.

[root@DXi0v211 tmp]# rm /var/DXi/processwatcher

rm: remove regular empty file `/var/DXi/processwatcher'? y



GUI before we change the file….



-Backup the old file.

[root@DXi0v211 theSeer]# mv UnifiedNetwork.conf UnifiedNetwork.conf.old


-Move over the file from the log.


[root@DXi0v211 theSeer]# mv /tmp/UnifiedNetwork.conf .

mv: overwrite `./UnifiedNetwork.conf'? y




-Refresh you’re GUI, you now see what the customer GUI would show.




-When you’re done, you can just delete your file.  The Seer creates a new file.


[root@DXi0v211 theSeer]# stat UnifiedNetwork.conf

  File: `UnifiedNetwork.conf'

  Size: 3920            Blocks: 8          IO Block: 4096   regular file

Device: 805h/2053d      Inode: 6319807     Links: 1

Access: (0664/-rw-rw-r--)  Uid: (    0/    root)   Gid: (    0/    root)

Access: 2014-03-20 10:18:56.000000000 -0600

Modify: 2014-03-20 10:18:57.000000000 -0600

Change: 2014-03-20 10:18:57.000000000 -0600

[root@DXi0v211 theSeer]# date

Thu Mar 20 10:19:23 MDT 2014


You still should have you’re .old file if you need it.


Don’t forget to bring the process watcher back.


[root@DXi0v211 theSeer]# touch /var/DXi/processwatcher



I’ve found you can do this with many XML files, and it can be especially helpful if a customer can provide logs but won’t allow WebEx.  


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