Identifying Mount and Cache Options in Windows Client cvgathers |
Identifying Mount and Cache Options in Windows Client cvgathers
In Windows snapshots from clients the parameters for the various mount and cache settings, “Advanced Mount Options” and "Advanced Cache Options" in the GUI, are in the cvgather.cvntcfgimpexp.txt file.
GUI options :
The following tables shows the description, parameter and default settings along with examples of non-default settings. If the parameter isn't in the file then it's set to the default
Most of the parameters are simply the hexadecimal value given but the Mountoptions and Mountoptions2 paramters are words with key bits set in them so different combinations of settings will yield different numbers.
EG, in the SNFS/cvgather.cvntcfgimpexp.txt file from the cvgather :
"BufferCacheCap"=dword:00000100 The “Minimum Total Cache Size” is set to 256M (Hexadecimal 100 = Decimal 256)
"BufCacheIods"=dword:00000010 The “Number of Threads” is set to 16
"BufCacheReadAhead"=dword:00000040 The “Number of Read-ahead Buffers” is set to 64
Advanced Mount Options
GUI description Registry setting Default Example parameters and equivalents
Mount Control :
Mount Retransmit Limit MountRetrans 1 00000002 = 2 00000004 = 4
Hard Mount MountOption <unset> 80000080 = unset 80000084 = set
Allow Diskless Mount MountOption <unset> 80000080 = unset 80002080 = set
Read Only MountOption <unset> 80000080 = unset 80000081 = set
Restrict Pre-allocation API MountOption <unset> 80000080 = unset 84000080 = set
Number of Async I/O Threads AioThreads 8 00000010 = 16 00000014 = 20
Number of System Threads Threads 12 00000018 = 24 0000001e = 30
Message Timeout x 1/10th Sec Timeout 50 00000064 = 100 00000078 = 120
Message Retry Count ReTrans 12 00000018 = 24 0000001e = 30
Retry I/O’s Forever <set> (Toggles with below, MountOptions2)
Allow I/O Timeouts MountOptions2 <unset> 00000000 = unset 00000020 = set
I/O Retry Time Seconds IORetryTime 0 00000001 = 1 0000000a = 10
I/O Penalty Time Seconds IOPenaltyTime 300 00000190 = 400 00000258 = 600
+ MountOptions2 00000000 = unset 00000010 = set
Fast Failover Detection MountOptions <unset> 80000080 = unset 80004080 = set
Hard Reconnect MountOptions <unset> 80000080 = unset 80000082 = set
Quality of Service (QOS)
Token Hold Seconds NrtioTokenHold 60 00000064 = 100 00000078 = 120
Advanced Cache Options
Data Buffer Cache :
Individual Buffer Size CacheBufSize 64K 00020000 = 128K 00030000 = 192K
Minimum Total Cache Size BufferCacheCap 256M 00000100 = 256M 00000400 = 1G
Auto-DMA Read BufCacheAutoDmaRdLen 1M 00400001 = 4M 01000001= 16M
Auto-DMA Write BufCacheAutoDmaWrtLen 1M 00400001 = 4M 01000001= 16M
Number of Read-ahead Buffers BufCacheReadAhead 16 00000020 = 32 00000040 = 64
Number of Threads BufCacheIods 8 00000010 = 16 00000020 = 32
Attribute Flush Time:
Seconds for Non-Shared AttrFlushSecs 30 0000002d = 45 0000003c = 60
Seconds for Shared ShAttrFlushSecs 2 00000005 = 5 0000000a = 10
Delay Atime Updates MountOptions <unset> 80000080 = unset 80040080 = set
Metadata/Inode Cache:
Low Water Mark CacheLowWaterMark 1K 00000800 = 2K 00001000 = 4K
High Water Mark CacheHighWaterMark 3K 00001800 = 6K 00002000 = 8K
Max Entries CacheMax 4K 00002000 = 8K 00004000 = 16K
Purge Period (seconds) CacheHoldSecs 45 0000003c = 60 0000005a = 90
Directory Cache :
Minimum Directory Cache Size DirCacheSize 10M 01400000 = 20M 02000000 = 32M
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