Identifying Chronic Media Issues


As LTO technology pushes the limites of technology with higher data rates and thinner media, it has become progressivley harder to product media that works well with all drives. At least 3 significant issues have happened since LTO-4 was introduced, coming from more than one media supplier. The problem is that classic pivot table analysis methods used by Tech Support do not catch batch related media issues. Problems only become apparent after multiple drives have been replaced and the customer may be getting irate about the issue.

This presentation shows you how to use data within the snapshot to identify a “chronic” issue. Corresponding resource materials are provided as well.


Identifying Chronic Media issues
Recorded on June 17th, 2011.


NOTE: All recordings require the WebEx Player Link will open in new window..



If you would like credit for attending this session log into StorageCare Learning and register for IBM LTO - Identifying Chronic Media Issues (A-3-3800 Assessment).

Title Last Updated Updated By
Identifying Chronic Media Issues - Recorded Presentation
As LTO technology pushes the limites of technology with higher data rates and thinner media, it has …

As LTO technology pushes the limites of technology with higher data rates and thinner media, it has become progressivley harder to product medai that works well with all drives. At least 3 significant issues have happened since LTO-4 was introduced, coming from more than one media supplier. The problem is that lassic pivot table analysis methods used by Tech Support do not catch batch related media issues. Problems only become apparent after multiple drives have been replaced and the customer may be getting irate about the issue.

This presentation shows you how to use data within the snapshot to identify a “chronic” issue.

07/11/2011 04:55 PM Tom McFaul
Identifying Chronic Media Issues - Corresponding Resources
Download files, PowerPoint, and log files.
07/11/2011 04:54 PM Tom McFaul

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