How to properly restart OST


This info was pulled from Tim Slaton's dxwiki pages and is the proper way to restart OST.  Important: If you just do a service ost stop and then service ost start as soon as the command prompt is back you will most likely have problems.

      rm /var/DXi/processwatcher
       /etc/rc.d/init.d/ost stop
                    INFO   - 09/12/11-19:26:51 - DXi_script DataPath(0) [qlog] - ost stopping
                    INFO   - 09/12/11-19:26:51 - DXi_script DataPath(0) [qlog] - ost stopped


       /etc/rc.d/init.d/ost start               
      touch  /var/DXi/processwatcher



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