How to Update and Test the SMTP Configuration in Lattus


There currently is not a method to update and test the system's SMTP configuration using the CMC GUI. You must use qshell to update the SMTP settings and then test the configuration using the OSMI menu. The procedures below describe how to update and test the settings.



Use the following procedures to update and test the SMTP configuration in Lattus:


Updating SMTP Settings

Viewing and Configuring SMTP Settings Via qshell:


  1. Enter qshell:

# qshell


  1. Create a connection to the database:

# In []: api=i.config.cloudApiConnection.find('main')

  1. Get the cloud guid:

# In []:['result'][0]['cloudguid']

  1. View the current SMTP IP address:

# In []:
# Out[]: ''


  1. View the current SMTP login:

# In []


  1. View the current SMTP password:

# In []


  1. Set the new SMTP IP address (also login and password):

# In []:,'','','')
# Out[]: {'jobguid': '753e527b-c977-43fb-9d2c-f0a95f57395b', 'result': None}



In [1]:,'','','Supp0rt1ng')




  1. Exit qshell using the following command:

# exit()

Viewing SMTP Settings:


  1. After the qshell commands are complete, use the following command to verify that the SMTP settings are updated in eventcfg.cfg:  

# cat /opt/qbase3/cfg/qconfig/eventcfg.cfg



Testing SMTP Settings

You can test the updated SMTP settings using OSMI.


  1. Access the OSMI menu:

# /opt/qbase3/apps/osmi/osmi


The OSMI menu appears, as shown below:


Object Store Management Interface

        1) Environment
        2) Policies and Namespaces
        3) Machines and services
        4) Users and permissions
        5) Events and logging
        0) Exit

Please make a selection >>


  1. Type 5 and press Enter

The Events and logging menu appears, as shown below:


Events and logging

        1) Test SMTP configuration
        2) Test SNMP configuration
        3) Test Phone Home configuration
        0) Return to Main Menu

Please make a selection >>


  1. Type 1 and press Enter.


  2. Type an email address to use as a test (for example, and then press Enter:

E-mail to: (default:


  1. Press Enter again to accept the default name of the node's email.

E-mail from: (default: osmi@cpunode1):


You should receive an email from the node if the SMTP is configured correctly. The email should look like the following example:





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