How to Run CVFSCK (DRAFT) |
When working with the DXi’s there are times that it's necessary to run a file system check on the snfs filesystem, which is where the DXi blockpool (data & metadata) resides. CVFSCK checks the integrity and structure of the underlying file system and attempts to correct any issues it finds.
You’ll want to run through the file system check procedure (cvfsck)
- if you can’t mount /snfs
- if you notice inconsistent behavior in the /snfs filesystem, like not being able to access certain files, finding unexpected data in files or missing files altogether
- If blockpool corruption is detected and cleaned up but persists
- If there was a messy hardware issues (controllers/disks/chassis)
- If there was a system crash
CVFSCK Procedure for vol0 (/SNFS) - see note at the end for DXi8500 systems
Remove Processwatcher:
# rm /var/DXi/processwatcher
rm: remove regular empty file `/var/DXi/processwatcher'? y
Stop services:
# service heartbeat stop
Stopping High-Availability services:
[ OK ]
Start SNFS:
# /etc/init.d/cvfs start
Initiating start of ADIC DSM component
Initializing StorNext Filesystem (SNFS)
Loading SNFS modules
net.core.rmem_max = 1048576
Starting /usr/cvfs/bin/fsmpm.
net.core.rmem_max = 1048575
Starting /usr/cvfs/bin/cvfsd...
Mounting SNFS filesystems
/dev/cvfsctl1_vol0 on /snfs type cvfs (rw,noatime,cachebufsize=256k,nfsopen=yes,timeout=600,sparse=yes)
SNFS Initialized [ OK ]
Unmount SNFS:
# umount /snfs
Stop SNFS via cvadmin - 2 options here:
# /usr/cvfs/bin/cvadmin -e "stop vol0;"
# /usr/cvfs/bin/cvadmin
StorNext File System Administrator
Enter command(s)
For command help, enter "help" or "?".
List FSS
File System Services (* indicates service is in control of FS):
1>*vol0[0] located on localhost.localdomain:35665 (pid 24356)
Select FSM "vol0"
Created : Mon Apr 20 13:24:21 2009
Active Connections: 0
Fs Block Size : 64K
Msg Buffer Size : 4K
Disk Devices : 18
Stripe Groups : 6
Fs Blocks : 271699584 (16.19 TB)
Fs Blocks Free : 268484095 (16.00 TB) (98%)
snadmin (vol0) > stop vol0
Stop FSS "vol0"
FSS 'vol0' on localhost.localdomain stop initiated.
FSS 'vol0' stopped.
Select FSM "none"
snadmin> exit
Run the cvfsck –j command to replay the journal, it doesn’t take long and subsequent commands will be more accurate:
# /usr/cvfs/bin/cvfsck -jv vol0
Run cvfsck in no write verbose mode (see what s broken):
NOTE: This command is read only so if you see something broken contact your escalation point before trying to fix the problem. Once you tell CVFSCK to repair the issues detected, there’s no going back.
# /usr/cvfs/bin/cvfsck -nv vol0
You can look at the output on the screen or in the Log file that has the output from cvfsck –nv:
NOTE: This is just an example, your log file name will have a different date/time stamp
# more /usr/cvfs/data/vol0/trace/cvfsck-04_29_2009-10_37_33
Once you have determined you want cvfsck to try and fix SNFS issues run this:
# /usr/cvfs/bin/cvfsck -v vol0
Check log file that has the output from cvfsck –v and make sure it corrected what it found:
# more /usr/cvfs/data/vol0/trace/cvfsck-04_29_2009-10_50_36
Now run cvfsck –nv again to make sure SNFS is clean and no more issues are found:
# /usr/cvfs/bin/cvfsck -nv vol0
Reboot the node:
# sync; sync; sync; reboot
NOTE: DXi 8500
If you dealing with an DXi 8500 there are a few adjustments that you need to make as the 8500’s have 2 file systems to deal with (blockpool, bulkdata) not just one (snfs) like the other systems. You should substitute these commands below for the corresponding commands in the above procedure.
For DXi8500
# umount /snfs /bp
# /usr/cvfs/bin/cvadmin -F vol0 -e "stop bulkdata;"
# /usr/cvfs/bin/cvadmin -F vol0 -e "stop blockpool;"
# /usr/cvfs/bin/cvfsck -jv bulkdata
# /usr/cvfs/bin/cvfsck -jv blockpool
# /usr/cvfs/bin/cvfsck -nv bulkdata
# /usr/cvfs/bin/cvfsck -nv blockpool
# /usr/cvfs/bin/cvfsck -v bulkdata
# /usr/cvfs/bin/cvfsck -v blockpool
NOTE: Clobber Free List
This is an option that is needed occasionally to clear the free inode list. There’s no need to run it unless directed to or unless you’re sure the free inode list is corrupted.
# /usr/cvfs/bin/cvfsck -C vol0
If it is determined that this needs to be run, you should run it after
/usr/cvfs/bin/cvfsck -nv vol0
And before
# /usr/cvfs/bin/cvfsck -v vol0
From the Man page
-C Clobber a corrupted free inode list. No data will be lost in this process, but metadata usage
may be increased after running this command. Only run this command if cvfsck cannot repair
free-list inconsistencies.
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